Tutorial by Examples: dns

Preconnect The preconnect relationship is similar to dns-prefetch in that it will resolve the DNS. However, it will also make the TCP handshake, and optional TLS negotiation. This is an experimental feature. <link rel="preconnect" href="URL"> DNS-Prefetch Informs bro...
Set up some constants for the server and authentication information. Assuming LDAPv3, but it's easy enough to change that. // Authentication, and the name of the server. private const string LDAPUser = "cn=example:app:mygroup:accts,ou=Applications,dc=example,dc=com"; private readonly ch...
File: /etc/hosts contains a list of hosts that are to be resolved locally(not by DNS) Sample contents of the file: your-node-name.your-domain.com localhost.localdomain localhost XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX node-name The file format for the hosts file is specified by RFC 952
File: /etc/resolv.conf contains a list of DNS servers for domain name resolution Sample contents of the file: nameserver # IP address of the primary name server nameserver # IP address of the secondary name server In case internal DNS server you can validate if this server reso...
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"Ken", @"Tim", @"Chris", @"Steve",@"Charlie",@"Melissa", nil]; NSPredicate *bPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF beginswith[c] 'c'"]; NSArray ...
The NSInteger is just a typedef for either an int or a long depending on the architecture. The same goes for a NSUInteger which is a typedef for the unsigned variants. If you check the NSInteger you will see the following: #if __LP64__ || (TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED && !TARGET_OS_IPHONE) || TARGET_...

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