Tutorial by Examples: drives

Format: cd "<path>" Example: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office" cd is an abbreviation for chdir and the two commands behave in the exact same way. For the sake of consistency, cd will be used throughout this topic. To navigate to the directory one leve...
Returns a list of all drives on a system. MESSAGE OS-DRIVES VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. Result with four drives, C through F: On Linux the list will simply be empty as there by definitions are no "drives" connected. Listing directories is done in another way (INPUT FROM OS-DIR)
With the virtual hard drive just created, boot the virtual machine with the android-x86 image in the optical drive. Once you boot, you can see the grub menu of the Live CD Choose the Debug Mode Option, then you should see the shell prompt. This is a busybox shell. You can get more shell by swi...

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