Tutorial by Examples: amazon

You have a local vagrant box that you want to upload to Amazon AWS. First, you need to create a .box file: vagrant package --base my-virtual-machine This step should take a while depending on the size of your image. Then, you need to get the .vmdk image from the .box file: gunzip -S .box packag...
This is a very common workflow when using Ansible for provisioning an AWS EC2 instance. This post assumes a basic understand of Ansible and most importantly, assumes you've properly configured it to connect to AWS. As Ansible official documentation insists, we are going to use four roles: 1- ami_f...
Managing AWS resources that scale up and down runs into the limits of the static inventory host file, that's why we need something dynamic. And that's what the dynamic inventories are for. Let's start: Download these ec2.ini and ec2.py files to the your project folder: cd my_ansible_project wget...
var app = {}; app.signUp = function(){ app.userName = $('#userName').val(); app.password = $('#password').val(); app.email = $('#form-email').val(); app.phoneNumber = $('#form-phone').val(); app.emailRegex = ...
If you don't want to use SQL server you can use Amazon's hosted Dynamo DB nosql database as a session store. You'll need the AWS SDK. To install this from the Visual Studio nuget package manager console use the following command Install-Package AWSSDK You can then configure your sessionState p...
If you wish to make a complete backup of a large MySql installation and do not have sufficient local storage, you can dump and compress it directly to an Amazon S3 bucket. It's also a good practice to do this without having the DB password as part of the command: mysqldump -u root -p --host=localho...
Amazon Linux is a RHEL variant, so the Red Hat instructions should work for the most part. There is, however, at least one discrepancy. There was an instance where the python27-devel package, as opposed to python-devel, was explicitly necessary. Here, we will install from source. sudo yum -y upd...
public class AmazonRootobject { public Itemsearchresponse ItemSearchResponse { get; set; } } public class Itemsearchresponse { public string xmlns { get; set; } public Operationrequest OperationRequest { get; set; } public Items Items { g...
Best way to connect amazon redshift using JDBC , Use proper driver as per version http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/configure-jdbc-connection.html Step-1: npm install jdbc Step-2: var JDBC = require('jdbc'); var jinst = require('jdbc/lib/jinst'); // isJvmCreated will be true afte...

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