Tutorial by Topics: directive

The using keyword is both a directive (this topic) and a statement. For the using statement (i.e. to encapsulate the scope of an IDisposable object, ensuring that outside of that scope the object becomes cleanly disposed) please see Using Statement.
#define [symbol] // Defines a compiler symbol. #undef [symbol] // Undefines a compiler symbol. #warning [warning message] // Generates a compiler warning. Useful with #if. #error [error message] // Generates a compiler error. Useful with #if. #line [line number] (file name) // Overrides the co...
Here you will learn about the Directives feature of AngularJS. Below you will find information on what Directives are, as well as Basic and Advanced examples of how to use them. ParameterDetailsscopeProperty to set the scope of the directive. It can be set as false, true or as an isolate scope:...
AngularJS Directives are custom elements in HTML (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tell AngularJS to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element, or even to transform the DOM element and its children. In short, when we create a directive, AngularJS will treat that...
<input [value]="value"> - Binds attribute value class member name. <div [attr.data-note]="note"> - Binds attribute data-note to variable note. <p green></p> - Custom directive The main source of information about Angular 2 directives...
Vue.directive(id, definition); Vue.directive(id, update); //when you need only the update function. ParameterDetailsidString - The directive id that will be used without the v- prefix. (Add the v- prefix when using it)definitionObject - A definition object can provide several hook function...
<%@ directiveName attributeName="value"%>
One way binding from parent component to nested component: [propertyName] One way binding from nested component to parent component: (propertyName) Two-way binding (a.k.a banana box notation) : [(propertyName)]
RewriteBase URL-path RewriteCond TestString CondPattern RewriteEngine on|off RewriteMap MapName MapType:MapSource RewriteOptions Options RewriteRule Pattern Substitution [flags]
The COBOL version of the C #include preprocessor directive. Or, more historically accurate, COBOL came first, developed some 10 years earlier. Due to some of the design decisions in COBOL (no arguments for PERFORM as the primary reason), many data structure access sequences need to break the DRY...
The REPLACE directive is part of the COBOL standard preprocessor. Replacements are made before compilation begins.
@angular/common - commonly needed directives and services @angular/core - the angular core framework
The angular-cli tool can help you to scaffold different parts of an angular application (components, directives, pipes, services, classes, guards, interfaces, enums and modules). ng generate [component | directive | service | pipe | class | enum | interface | guard | module] [name] [flags...] ...

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