This is the Cypher, Neo4j's query language. In many ways, Cypher is similar to SQL if you are familiar with it, except SQL refers to items stored in a table while Cypher refers to items stored in a graph.
First, we should start out by learning how to create a graph and add relationships, since that is essentially what Neo4j is all about.
CREATE (ab:Object { age: 30, destination: "England", weight: 99 })
Next, we will learn about finding MATCHes
MATCH (abc:Object) WHERE abc.destination = "England" RETURN abc;
MATCH specifies that you want to search for a certain node/relationship pattern (abc:Object) refers to one node Pattern (with label Object) which store the matches in the variable abc. You can think of this entire line as the following
abc = find the matches that is an Object WHERE the destination is England.
In this case, WHERE adds a constraint which is that the destination must be England. You must include a return at the end for all MATCH queries (neo4j will not accept just a Match...your query must always return some value [this also depends on what type of query you are writing...we will talk more about this later as we introduce the other types of queries you can make].
The next line will be explained in the future, after we go over some more elements of the Cypher Query Language. This is to give you a taste of what we can do with this language! Below, you will find an example which gets the cast of movies whose title starts with 'T'
MATCH (actor:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie:Movie)
WHERE movie.title STARTS WITH "T"
RETURN movie.title AS title, collect( AS cast
A complete list of commands and their syntax can be found at the official Neo4j Cypher Reference Card here.