To install NLTK with Continuum's anaconda
/ conda
If you are using Anaconda, most probably nltk would be already downloaded in the root (though you may still need to download various packages manually).
Using conda
conda install nltk
To upgrade nltk
using conda
conda update nltk
With anaconda
If you are using multiple python envriroments in anaconda, first activate the enviroment where you want to install nltk. You can check the active enviroment using the command
conda info --envs
The enviroment with the * sign before the directory path is the active one. To change the active enviroment use
activate <python_version>
for eg. activate python3.5
Now check the list of packages installed in this enviroment using commnad
conda list
If you dont find 'nltk' in the list, use
conda install -c anaconda nltk=3.2.1
For further information, you may consult
To install mini-conda a.k.a. conda
To install anaconda