Tutorial by Topics

In fact, form validation is based from a component, named "Validator Component". You can often use the dedicated service if you did't have to show a form in a template. Like APIs. You may validate datas in the same way, like this : For example, based on symfony doc : $validator = $thi...
ParametersDetailtitle: '',// String. The title of the popup.cssClass: '',// String, The custom CSS class namesubTitle: '',// String (optional). The sub-title of the popup.template: '',// String (optional). The html template to place in the popup body.templateUrl: '',// String (optional). The URL of...
this.myForm = this.formBuilder.group creates a form object with user's configuration and assigns it to this.myForm variable. 'loginCredentials': this.formBuilder.group method creates a group of controls which consist of a formControlName eg. login and value ['', Validators.required], where th...
AnnotationPurpose@InheritanceSpecifies type of inheritance strategy used@DiscriminatorColumnSpecifies a column in database which will be used to identify different entities based on certain ID assigned to each entity@MappedSuperClassmapped super classes are not persistent and only used to hold stat...
AnnotationPurpose@TableGeneratorSpecifies generator name and table name where generator can be found@GeneratedValueSpecifies generation strategy and refers to name of generator@OneToOneSpecifies one to one relationship between employee and desk, here Employee is owner of relationmappedByThis elemen...
Controls are derived in exactly the same way as other classes. The only thing to be careful of is overriding events: it is usually advisable to make sure that you call the base event handler after your own. My own rule of thumb: if in doubt, call the base event.
If you want to have other colours as the background, then name a new variable such as red = (255,0,0) and change the display.fill(black) to display.fill(red). You can create colours by storing them in a variable and checking their RGB values from the internet.

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