Tutorial by Topics

We can utilize CI's shopping cart library when we are building a e-commerce site. we can setup add to cart, update cart items, delete cart items and even clear the cart functionalities using this library. From CodeIgniter Doc : The Cart Class permits items to be added to a session that stays active...
SCons is written in Python 2 and doesn't need any dependencies to work. You can just copy its scripts to your project source tree and run from here. Or you may want to use version packaged for your operating system.
Virtually all apps are using asynchronous functions to keep the code from blocking the main thread.
The layouts are a necessary in every Qt application. They manage the object, their position, their size, how they are resized. From Qt layout documentation: When you use a layout, you do not need to pass a parent when constructing the child widgets. The layout will automatically reparent ...
This documentation will help anyone who is looking for all the Conrtraints on a column of a table. The query can be modified to find the table/columns based on the constraint name.
The QListView widget is part of the Model/View programming mechanisms of Qt. Basically, it allows to display items stored in a Model under the form of a list. In this topic we will not get deep into the Model/View mechanisms of Qt, but rather focus on the graphical aspect of one View widget: the QLi...
As you probably know if you came from OOP school, specializing an abstract class and use it is a practice you should keep in mind when writing your code. What if you could define an abstract function and specialize it in order to create different versions of it? Thinks it as a sort of function Inhe...
This section provides an overview of what blackberry is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within blackberry, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for blackberry is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rel...
Android application package (APK) is the package file format used by the Android OS for distribution and installation of mobile apps and middleware. You can download APKs from Google Play Store, Amazon App Store, or other third party markets or websites. APKs can be sideloaded (depending on appli...
This section provides an overview of what rmarkdown is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within rmarkdown, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for rmarkdown is new, you may need to create initial versions of those relate...
Eclipse has many shortcuts to make your life easier.


HQL is Hibernate Query Language, it based on SQL and behind the scenes it is changed into SQL but the syntax is different. You use entity/class names not table names and field names not column names. It also allows many shorthands. The main thing to remember when using hql is the use the class...
This topic will cover interop between VFP and .NET.
Following are the steps to create a data pump import/export:
In this topic you will learn how to modify field attributes inherited from the PXStringList or PXIntList attributes. The demonstrated approach will make sure to not break functionality of the base Acumatica ERP product and require minimal maintenance, if any, while upgrading your customizations to a...
If you're using SAS to produce reporting of some sort, you're going to find yourself needing to copy a file at some point. I've mostly used this method for copying an excel template, and then dumping data via PROC EXPORT into the new file I've created. This is a great example I've found from Chris ...
Arduino's Liquid Crystal Library is a library for controlling LCD displays compatible the Hitachi HD44780 driver, characterised by their 16 pin interface. The 16 pins might be connected via an I2C interface. These displays contain a matrix of 5x7 pixel blocks used to display characters or small mono...

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