Tutorial by Topics: boost

What is Boost? Boost is a large collection of free, high quality C++ libraries that cover a broad range of topics. It is often considered a "second standard library" for C++, since many common problems in C++ are solved by using Boost. From boost.org: Boost provides free peer-revi...
:set relativenumber :set number :set nonumber / :set nonu :pwd This automatic reload will only happen if you edit your vimrc in a version full version of vim which supports autocmd.
Boost Documention on String Algrorithms
This documentation explains how an external Image can be tested and compared with the output image of OpenCV. For example, To compare two blurred images and test if they both are same, we blur an original image in an external software (I used WiT Image Processing software) or just download any blurr...

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