Tutorial by Topics: dart

Dart is an open-source, class-based, optionally-typed programming language for building web applications--on both the client and server--created by Google. Dart’s design goals are: Create a structured yet flexible language for web programming. Make Dart feel familiar and natural to programme...
Dart-JavaScript interoperability lets us run JavaScript code from our Dart programs. The interoperability is achieved by using the js library to create Dart stubs. These stubs describe the interface we'd like to have with the underlying JavaScript code. At runtime calling the Dart stub will invoke ...
AngularDart is a client-side framework for creating structured web applications in Dart. AngularDart is an implementation of Angular in Dart. It shares concepts and some API with the TypeScript version but differs in implementation, taking advantage of Dart features such as classes and annotatio...
What should go here, as opposed to webdev.dartlang.org/angular? Eventually this page will have guidelines on what goes where. (Is there a better place for this?) Please comment on https://github.com/dart-lang/site-webdev/issues/471. Background: There are plenty of docs at (aka angulardart.org),...
This documentation will give you a insight how European VANETs based on the ETSI ITS-G5 and IEEE 802.11p can be simulated by using the discrete event simulator OMNeT++.

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