Tutorial by Topics: fi

The use of CMake in a C++ project if used correctly can allow the programmer to focus less on the platform, program version number and more on the actual program itself. With CMake you can define preprocessor tags that allow for easy checking of which platform or any other preprocessor tags you migh...
This topic includes short, brief but comprehensive examples of loading pre-trained weights, inserting new layers on top or in the middle of pre-tained ones, and training a new network with partly pre-trained weights. An example for each of out-of-the-box pre-trained networks, available in Keras libr...
So if you wanna make web app notification I suggest you to use Push.js or SoneSignal framework for Web/mobile app. Push is the fastest way to get up and running with Javascript notifications. A fairly new addition to the official specification, the Notification API allows modern browsers such as Ch...
This is a class that will generate a UIImage of a person's initials. Harry Potter would generate an image of HP.
Here ill show you how to integrate AngularFire2 and use this real time database in our Ionic App.
Dart filters lists through the List.where and List.retainWhere methods. The where function takes one argument: a boolean function that is applied to each element of the list. If the function evaluates to true then the list element is retained; if the function evaluates to false, the element is remov...
Are you a programmer with entrepreneurial aspirations? Programming is a priceless skill in our times because the world revolves around technology. You can start a small business and join the 32.5 million other enterprises in the U.S. making profits and creating job opportunities. You need a viable b...
If you are a developer looking to publish an iOS app, it must be signed with a valid certificate from Apple to ensure authenticity. This involves public and private keys, certificates, and digital signatures. Code Signing is an important process for developers to ensure the integrity and authenticit...
File upload is undoubtedly a core feature of many modern web apps and websites. For example, users can upload images and videos on social media websites or documents, such as CVs and resumes, on a company website. Developers need to ensure a file uploader is fast, secure, and user-friendly. One way ...
Learning a programming language is not an easy task. Similarly, selecting the language to start with can be daunting. For most beginners, programming languages may seem confusing and challenging. As such, you must understand what your end goal is. Also, you will want to understand the best path for ...

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