Tutorial by Topics: if

println and debugPrintln where removed in Swift 2.0. Sources: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2347/_index.html http://ericasadun.com/2015/05/22/swift-logging/ http://www.dotnetperls.com/print-swift
aThirdFun(anotherFun(myFun(), 42); // common notation (also valid) myFun().anotherFun(42).aThirdFun(); // UFCS myFun.anotherFun(42).aThirdFun; // empty braces can be removed In a call a.b(args...), if the type a does not have a method named b, then the compiler will try to rewrite the cal...
UPDATE table-Name [[AS] correlation-Name] SET column-Name = Value [ , column-Name = Value} ]* [WHERE clause] UPDATE table-Name SET column-Name = Value [ , column-Name = Value ]* WHERE CURRENT OF
ext An object that specifies output source and minified file extensions. source The suffix string of the filenames that output source files ends with. min When string: The suffix string of the filenames that output minified files ends with. When Array: The regex expressions to be replaced with ...
Non-Access Modifiers do not change the accessibility of variables and methods, but they do provide them special properties.
XAML is used in Silverlight, Windows Phone, Windows RT and UWP apps. Sharing code or converting code between these is sometimes harder than desirable due to subtle differences between the various XAML dialects. This topic strives to give an overview of these differences with a short explanation. ...
FormatInterpreted as%%literal percent sign (%)%Aweekday name (e.g. Sunday)%aweekday name in short fomat (e.g. Sun)%Bfull month name (e.g. January)%bmonth name (e.g. Jan)%Hhour (00..23)%Ihour (01..12)%jday of year (001..366)%khour ( 0..23)%lhour ( 1..12)%Mminute (00..59)%mmonth (01..12)%pDefine AM o...
This section provides an overview of what openshift is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within openshift, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for openshift is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related...
If the behavior of a construct is unspecified, then the standard places some constraints on the behavior, but leaves some freedom to the implementation, which is not required to document what happens in a given situation. It contrasts with implementation-defined behavior, in which the implementati...
There is no uniform way to handle push notifications in Xamarin Forms since the implementation relies heavily on platform specific features and events. Therefor platform specific code will always be necessary. However, by using the DependencyService you can share as much code as possible. Also th...

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