Tutorial by Topics: init

add_action( 'init', callable $function ) init is an action hook that gets fired after WordPress has finished loading but before any HTTP headers are sent.
The INITIALIZE statement sets selected data to specified values. Where category-name is:
The INITIATE statement initializes internal Report Writer control fields. Most of a report writer setup occurs in the DATA DIVISION with very brief PROCEDURE DIVISION statements. Once initialized, GENERATE does all the hard work of control break and paging of reports.
Matlab has three important functions to create matrices and set their elements to zeroes, ones, or the identity matrix. (The identity matrix has ones on the main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere.) Z = zeros(sz,datatype,arraytype) X = ones(sz,datatype) I = eye(sz,datatype) ParameterDetailsszn...
While some existing JavaScript libraries have type definition files, there are many that don't. TypeScript offers a couple patterns to handle missing declarations.
In respect of ionic2 the constructor: in simple terms we use it to create instance of our plugins, services etc. for example: You have a page(view) where you want to show the list of all students, and you have a json file that contains all the students (this file is your data file) what you have to ...
Bootstrap : I think that's not proper way. The best way in my opinion is an ember-bootstrap addon. ember-bootstrap uses the Bootstrap CSS classes while replacing the behaviors from the components Bootstrap implements in bootstrap.js, such as toggle, navbar, modal, etc., with equivalent, CSS class-c...
This is a class that will generate a UIImage of a person's initials. Harry Potter would generate an image of HP.

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