Tutorial by Topics: integer

The BigInteger class is used for mathematical operations involving large integers with magnitudes too large for primitive data types. For example 100-factorial is 158 digits - much larger than a long can represent. BigInteger provides analogues to all of Java's primitive integer operators, and all r...
Converting strings to integers is one of common tasks. Here we'll show how to convert decimal strings to integers. Psuedo code to do this is: function string_to_integer(str): result = 0 for (each characters in str, left to right): result = result * 10 add ((code of t...
When To Use BigInteger objects are by their very nature very heavy on RAM. Consequently, they should only be used when absolutely necessary, ie for numbers on a truly astronomical scale. Further to this, all arithmetic operations on these objects are an order of magnitude slower than their pri...
The class template std::integer_sequence<Type, Values...> represents a sequence of values of type Type where Type is one of the built-in integer types. These sequences are used when implementing class or function templates which benefit from positional access. The standard library also contain...
This script is designed to handle reporting devices (IoT), when a device is not previously authorized (in the devices table in the database), I add the new device to a new_devices table. I run an update query, and if affected_rows returns < 1, I insert. When I have a new device report, the first...

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