Tutorial by Topics: ion

In Xamarin.Android the BluetoothSocket.InputStream and BluetoothSocket.OutputStream properties are by design automatically converted to System.IO.Stream. In case of so called interactive communication protocol, when server responds only when client talks to it, System.IO.Stream is not good because ...
Java offers a wide variety of Collections. Choosing which Collection to use can be tricky. See the Examples section for an easy-to-follow flowchart to choose the right Collection for the job.
DATA DIVISION is one of the four parts that make up a COBOL program. It contains statements describing the data used by the program. It consists of four sections: FILE SECTION, WORKING-STORAGE SECTION, LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION and LINKAGE SECTION.
Oracle Real Application Security was introduced in Oracle 12c. It summarize many Security Topics like User-Role-Model, Access Control, Application vs. Database, End-User-Security or Row- and Column Level Security
Computational clause is used to describe type of storage used in COBOL. It is used for 3 ways: COMP-1, COMP-2 and COMP-3. The most common form of computational is COMP-3. It frequently is just called "COMP" by programmers.
Python has many built-in exceptions which force your program to output an error when something in it goes wrong. However, sometimes you may need to create custom exceptions that serve your purpose. In Python, users can define such exceptions by creating a new class. This exception class has to be ...
In Python function will be returned as soon as execution hits "return" statement.
So if you wanna make web app notification I suggest you to use Push.js or SoneSignal framework for Web/mobile app. Push is the fastest way to get up and running with Javascript notifications. A fairly new addition to the official specification, the Notification API allows modern browsers such as Ch...
Automating Infrastructure Management Services results in reducing the FTE as well as cumulatively getting better ROI using multiple tools, orchestrators, orchestration Engine , scripts and easy UI
Here ill show you how to integrate AngularFire2 and use this real time database in our Ionic App.
Steps to create an AWS RDS instance and configure your database.yml file by installing the required connectors.
This section provides an overview of what dictionary is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within dictionary, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for dictionary is new, you may need to create initial versions of those rel...
This section provides an overview of what annotations is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within annotations, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for annotations is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
Top 10 Java Errors with Solutions Syntax Errors The most obvious errors one can face as a beginner are syntax errors. It’s completely fine to face such errors as you’re just starting to learn the language. You can look at syntax errors as the linguistic rules in any language. Once you start followin...
6 Practical Encryption Techniques in Python You Should Learn Welcome to the fascinating world of data security! In today’s digital age, everyone wants to protect their sensitive information and make communication confidential. Here is when encryption comes to the rescue. In this article, we’ll explo...

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