Tutorial by Topics: jobs

Azure WebJobs provide an easy way to run scripts or programs as background processes in the context of an App Service web app, API app, or mobile app. You can upload and run an executable file such as: .cmd, .bat, .exe (using Windows cmd) .ps1 (using PowerShell) .sh (using bash) .php (using ...
Jobs were introduced in PowerShell 2.0 and helped to solve a problem inherent in the command-line tools. In a nutshell, if you start a long running task, your prompt is unavailable until the task finishes. As an example of a long running task, think of this simple PowerShell command: Get-ChildItem ...
Beware of running lots of code or doing heavy work inside your JobService, for example in onStartJob(). The code will run on the main/UI thread and therefore can lead to a blocked UI, no longer responding app or even a crash of your app! Because of that, you must offload the work, for example by ...
This document will show you how to call Scala jobs from a pyspark application. This approach can be useful when the Python API is missing some existing features from the Scala API or even to cope with performance issues using python. In some use cases, using Python is inevitable e.g you are buildi...

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