Tutorial by Topics: parent

(yield -- Allows you to export items from a component (hash -- Allows you to export a hash or object, since this is required to call child components within the parent's block. The requirement is that there is a . for the component to be created (component -- Creates the child component which c...
As at the time of writing (Aug '16), parent selector (&) always refers to the full parent selector chain right till the top most level. It cannot be used to select just the immediate parent or the root most ancestor alone. That is, in the below code &#type1 would resolve to #demo-containe...
The layouts are a necessary in every Qt application. They manage the object, their position, their size, how they are resized. From Qt layout documentation: When you use a layout, you do not need to pass a parent when constructing the child widgets. The layout will automatically reparent ...

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