This is how to send an SMS text message from a US number using Twilio's Node.js SDK.
First you need to install the Node.js client using:
npm install twilio
Then, you have to create an account on their website.
Once you have an account, you'll need the account SID and auth token that you can find on the online dashboard.
In the code example below, replace [Account SID]
and [Auth Token]
with the ones from your account.
// Twilio Credentials
var accountSid = '[Account SID]';
var authToken = '[Auth Token]';
//require the Twilio module and create a REST client
var client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
to: "+16518675309", // Any number Twilio can deliver to
from: "+14158141829", // A number you bought from Twilio and can use for outbound communication
body: "Hey Jenny, thanks for the pull request, will merge it right away."
}, function(err, message) {