Good unit tests are independent, but code often has dependencies. We use various kinds of test doubles to remove the dependencies for testing. One of the simplest test doubles is a stub. This is a function with a hard-coded return value called in place of the real-world dependency.
// Test that oneDayFromNow returns a value 24*60*60 seconds later than current time
let systemUnderTest = new FortuneTeller() // Arrange - setup environment
systemUnderTest.setNow(() => {return 10000}) // inject a stub which will
// return 10000 as the result
let actual = systemUnderTest.oneDayFromNow() // Act - Call system under test
assert.equals(actual, 10000 + 24 * 60 * 60) // Assert - Validate expected result
In production code, oneDayFromNow
would call, but that would make for inconsistent and unreliable tests. So here we stub it out.