- display dialog text [default answer text] [hidden answer boolean] [buttons list of text] [default button text/integer] [cancel button text/integer] [with title text] [with icon text/integer/stop/note/caution/file] [giving up after integer]
- display alert text [message text] [as critical/informational/warning] [buttons list of text] [default button text/integer] [cancel button text/integer] [giving up after integer]
- display notification text [with title text] [subtitle text] [sound name text]
- choose file [with prompt text] [of type text] [default location alias] [invisibles boolean] [multiple selections allowed boolean] [showing package contents boolean]
- choose folder [with prompt text] [default location alias] [invisibles boolean] [multiple selections allowed boolean] [showing package contents boolean]
- choose from list [with title text] [with prompt text] [default items list of text/number] [OK button name text] [cancel button name text] [multiple selections allowed boolean] [empty selection allowed boolean]
- choose URL [showing list of Web/FTP/Telnet/File/News/Directory/Media/Remote] [editable URL boolean]
- choose color [default color RGB color]
AppleScript User Interaction is part of Standard Additions. You can find the full documentation in the dictionary StandardAdditions.sdef through Script Editor's Open Dictionary.