In this example we will ask the bitcoin network for the merkle block number 442603.
In order to do this we need to send a filterload message and then we have to send a getdata message using the inventory type MSG_MERKLEBLOCK.
The peers should reply with a merkleblock message for the requested block and a tx message for any transactions in the requested block that matched the filter.
In bitcore-p2p we need to register an event for each message's type that we want recive.
let Pool = require('bitcore-p2p').Pool;
let BloomFilter = require('bitcore-p2p').BloomFilter;
let NetworksData = require('bitcore-lib').Networks;
let Messages = require('bitcore-p2p').Messages;
let network = 'livenet'; // Network can be livenet or testnet
let txs = []; // Here we store the transactions
let filteredBlocks = []; // Here we store the merkleblocks
// Date that we are loocking for
let data = {
code: '88adcf0215d5fcbca5c6532aaecffb48128cf1a6', // 1DTh7XPb42PgCFnuMHSitMPWxCfNNFej8n in hex fromat
format: 'hex',
// Isatnciate and connect a node Pool
let pool = new Pool({network: NetworksData[network]});
// Create a filter and a bitcoin message with the filter
let filter = BloomFilter.create(1000, 0.1).insert(new Buffer(data.code, data.format));
let filterLoad = new Messages({network: NetworksData[network]}).FilterLoad(filter);
// Create a bitcoin message for require a merkleblock
let blockHashRequested = '0000000000000000004f8325a66388e22c10e6de9f0f6e5809eaf1e0393efe02';
let getDataForFilteredBlock = new Messages({network: NetworksData[network]}).GetData.forFilteredBlock(blockHashRequested);
// Transactions and merkleblock are sent in different messages
pool.on('peertx', function(peer, message) {
peer: peer,
message: message,
console.log('Recived from: ',;
console.log('The transaction: ', message.transaction.hash);
pool.on('peermerkleblock', function(peer, message) {
peer: peer,
message: message,
console.log('Recived from: ',;
console.log('The merkleBlock: ', message.merkleBlock.header.hash);
// Wait for pool to connect
}, 5000);
//Recived from:
//The merkleBlock: 0000000000000000004f8325a66388e22c10e6de9f0f6e5809eaf1e0393efe02
//Recived from:
//The transaction: 9aec6cc42ddcf5900d280f3fa598f5cdb101f00614785165f777a6856314f4d9
//Recived from:
//The merkleBlock: 0000000000000000004f8325a66388e22c10e6de9f0f6e5809eaf1e0393efe02
//Recived from:
//The transaction: 9aec6cc42ddcf5900d280f3fa598f5cdb101f00614785165f777a6856314f4d9