It often is faster to use a generic template when first creating a new alert and only specialize the template when you need to display more information. The following template will display a subject with a numerical value, custom formatting, and description string and then a body with up to two graphs. If no graph variables are specified it will instead list the computations used in the alert. The generic template also uses the name of the alert to generate the subject (replacing dots with spaces) and checks for variables to exist before using them to prevent errors.
#See Embedded Templates and CSS Styles example for header template
template header { ... }
template computation {
body = `
{{range .Computations}}
<tr><td><a href="{{$.Expr .Text}}">{{.Text}}</a></td><td>{{.Value}}</td></tr>
template generic_template {
subject = {{.Last.Status}}: {{replace .Alert.Name "." " " -1}}: {{if .Alert.Vars.value}}{{if .Alert.Vars.value_format}}{{.Eval .Alert.Vars.value | printf .Alert.Vars.value_format}}{{else}}{{.Eval .Alert.Vars.value | printf "%.1f"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{if .Alert.Vars.value_string}}{{.Alert.Vars.value_string}}{{end}}{{if}} on {{}}{{end}}
body = `{{template "header" .}}
{{if or .Alert.Vars.generic_graph .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all}}
{{if and .Alert.Vars.graph_unit .Alert.Vars.generic_graph}}
<div>{{.Graph .Alert.Vars.generic_graph .Alert.Vars.graph_unit}}</div>
{{else if .Alert.Vars.generic_graph}}
<div>{{.Graph .Alert.Vars.generic_graph}}</div>
{{if and .Alert.Vars.graph_unit2 .Alert.Vars.generic_graph2}}
<div>{{.Graph .Alert.Vars.generic_graph2 .Alert.Vars.graph_unit2}}</div>
{{else if .Alert.Vars.generic_graph2}}
<div>{{.Graph .Alert.Vars.generic_graph2}}</div>
{{if and .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all .Alert.Vars.graph_unit}}
<div>{{.GraphAll .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all .Alert.Vars.graph_unit}}</div>
{{else if .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all}}
<div>{{.GraphAll .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all}}</div>
{{if and .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all2 .Alert.Vars.graph_unit2}}
<div>{{.GraphAll .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all2 .Alert.Vars.graph_unit2}}</div>
{{else if .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all2}}
<div>{{.GraphAll .Alert.Vars.generic_graph_all2}}</div>
{{template "computation" .}}
alert {
template = generic_template
$timethreshold = 60
$timegraph = 24h
$notes = Checks if puppet has not run in at least ${timethreshold} minutes. Doesn't include hosts which have puppet disabled.
$generic_graph = q("sum:300s-max:puppet.last_run{host=*}", "$timegraph", "") / 60
$graph_unit = Minutes since Last Puppet Run
$generic_graph2 = q("sum:300s-max:puppet.disabled{host=*}", "$timegraph", "")
$graph_unit2 = Puppet Disabled=1 Enabled=0
$value = last(q("sum:puppet.last_run{host=*}", "6h", "")) / 60
$value_format = It has been %.0f
$value_string = ` minutes since last run`
$disabled = max(q("sum:puppet.disabled{host=*}", "60m", ""))
warn = ($value > $timethreshold) && ! $disabled
warnNotification = default
runEvery = 15
Which will produce a subject like "warning: puppet last run: It has been 62 minutes since last run on co-lb04" and include a graphs of last_run and disabled for that host. If you want to graph all results for a query instead of just the matching tagsets you can use $generic_graph_all and $generic_graph_all2 as the variable names.