Install the following plugins using your favourite plugin manager:
- fireplace.vim: Clojure REPL support
- vim-sexp: For taming those hugs around your function calls
- vim-sexp-mappings-for-regular-people: Modified sexp mappings that are a little easier to bear
- vim-surround: Easily delete, change, add "surroundings" in pair
- salve.vim: Static Vim support for Leiningen and Boot.
- rainbow_parentheses.vim: Better Rainbow Parentheses
and also relate to syntax highlighting, omni completion, advanced highlighting and so on:
- vim-clojure-static (if you have a vim older than 7.3.803, newer versions ship with this)
- vim-clojure-highlight
Other options in place of vim-sexp include paredit.vim and vim-parinfer.