Open Repo
Pull Your Repo to Local
cd </your/path/<myrepo>
or create it with cd </your/path>
. mkdir <myrepo>
. cd <myrepo>
git init
git remote add origin<username>/<myrepo>.git
. (You can check if its working with git remote -v
(Not git remove -v))git pull
Add Cocoapods
sudo gem install cocoapods
. Write pod --help
to check if it's working. (Skip if you already have cocoapods)<myrepo>.podspec
with touch <myrepo>.podspec
with an editor. Use Xcode or Sublime do |s| = "<myrepo>"
s.version = "0.1"
s.summary = "<My summary>"
s.description = "<MUST BE LONGER THAN SUMMARY>"
s.homepage = "<username>/<myrepo>"
s.license = 'MIT' = { "<username>" => "<useremail>" }
s.source = { :git => "<username>/<myrepo>.git", :tag => s.version.to_s }
s.platform = :ios, '8.0'
s.requires_arc = true
# If more than one source file:
s.source_files = '<myrepo>.swift'
pod lib lint <myrepo>.podspec
to the terminal. If you have any errors write pod lib lint <myrepo>.podspec --verbose
. Solve your errors (solving your errors could take some time can't help here).git add .
then commit with git commit -m "Added pods"
git push
inside <myrepo>.podspec
pod trunk register [email protected] 'Your Name' --description='macbook pro'
pod trunk push <myrepo>.podspec
. This will change the CocoaPods Specs which will enable you to write pod '<myrepo>'
inside your podfile