Let's look at a more complex example that contains a one-to-many relationship. Our query will now contain multiple rows containing duplicate data and we will need to handle this. We do this with a lookup in a closure.
The query changes slightly as do the example classes.
Id | Name | Born | CountryId | CountryName | BookId | BookName |
1 | Daniel Dennett | 1942 | 1 | United States of America | 1 | Brainstorms |
1 | Daniel Dennett | 1942 | 1 | United States of America | 2 | Elbow Room |
2 | Sam Harris | 1967 | 1 | United States of America | 3 | The Moral Landscape |
2 | Sam Harris | 1967 | 1 | United States of America | 4 | Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion |
3 | Richard Dawkins | 1941 | 2 | United Kingdom | 5 | The Magic of Reality: How We Know What`s Really True |
3 | Richard Dawkins | 1941 | 2 | United Kingdom | 6 | An Appetite for Wonder: The Making of a Scientist |
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Born { get; set; }
public Country Residience { get; set; }
public ICollection<Book> Books { get; set; }
public class Country
public int CountryId { get; set; }
public string CountryName { get; set; }
public class Book
public int BookId { get; set; }
public string BookName { get; set; }
The dictionaryremainingHorsemen
will be populated with fully materialized instances of the person objects. For each row of the query result the mapped values of instances of the types defined in the lambda arguments are passed in and it is up to you how to handle this.
var sql = @"SELECT 1 AS Id, 'Daniel Dennett' AS Name, 1942 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 1 AS BookId, 'Brainstorms' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 1 AS Id, 'Daniel Dennett' AS Name, 1942 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 2 AS BookId, 'Elbow Room' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS Id, 'Sam Harris' AS Name, 1967 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 3 AS BookId, 'The Moral Landscape' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS Id, 'Sam Harris' AS Name, 1967 AS Born, 1 AS CountryId, 'United States of America' AS CountryName, 4 AS BookId, 'Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS Id, 'Richard Dawkins' AS Name, 1941 AS Born, 2 AS CountryId, 'United Kingdom' AS CountryName, 5 AS BookId, 'The Magic of Reality: How We Know What`s Really True' AS BookName
UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS Id, 'Richard Dawkins' AS Name, 1941 AS Born, 2 AS CountryId, 'United Kingdom' AS CountryName, 6 AS BookId, 'An Appetite for Wonder: The Making of a Scientist' AS BookName";
var remainingHorsemen = new Dictionary<int, Person>();
connection.Query<Person, Country, Book, Person>(sql, (person, country, book) => {
Person personEntity;
if (!remainingHorsemen.TryGetValue(person.Id, out personEntity))
remainingHorsemen.Add(person.Id, personEntity = person);
if(personEntity.Residience == null)
if (country == null)
country = new Country { CountryName = "" };
personEntity.Residience = country;
if(personEntity.Books == null)
personEntity.Books = new List<Book>();
if (book != null)
if (!personEntity.Books.Any(x => x.BookId == book.BookId))
return personEntity;
splitOn: "CountryId,BookId");
Note how the
argument is a comma delimited list of the first columns of the next type.