// Uses Windows authentication. Replace the Trusted_Connection parameter with
// User Id=...;Password=...; to use SQL Server authentication instead. You may
// want to find the appropriate connection string for your server.
string connectionString = @"Server=myServer\myInstance;Database=myDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True;"
string sql = "INSERT INTO myTable (myDateTimeField, myIntField) " +
"VALUES (@someDateTime, @someInt);";
// Most ADO.NET objects are disposable and, thus, require the using keyword.
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection))
// Use parameters instead of string concatenation to add user-supplied
// values to avoid SQL injection and formatting issues. Explicitly supply datatype.
// System.Data.SqlDbType is an enumeration. See Note1
command.Parameters.Add("@someDateTime", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = myDateTimeVariable;
command.Parameters.Add("@someInt", SqlDbType.Int).Value = myInt32Variable;
// Execute the SQL statement. Use ExecuteScalar and ExecuteReader instead
// for query that return results (or see the more specific examples, once
// those have been added).
Note 1: Please see SqlDbType Enumeration for the MSFT SQL Server-specific variation.
Note 2: Please see MySqlDbType Enumeration for the MySQL-specific variation.