Tutorial by Examples

The file editor that ships with WordPress is a security risk. If an attacker gains admin access to your WordPress website they will be easily able to insert malicious code into theme and plugin files. It is also a risk with clients who don't know what they're doing. Once misplaced colon in the file ...
The most sensitive information of a WordPress install is stored in the wp-config.php file. If a hacker gets access to this file then they have total control of your website. By default wp-config.php is stored in the WordPress install folder. To make this file harder to steal you can move it out of ...
When you install WordPress to your server, the installation script will place a prefix in front of all the WordPress MySQL table names. This prefix is set to 'wp_' by default. The WordPress posts table will be called wp_posts for example. By changing the table prefix you can create some security by ...
In above examples you understand how to localize resources of application. Following example explain how to change the application locale within application, not from device. In order to change Application locale only, you can use below locale util. import android.app.Application; import android.c...
Background Theory: Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm is an efficient and accurate raster line generating algorithm developed by Bresenham. It involves only integer calculation so it is accurate and fast. It can also be extended to display circles another curves. In Bresenham line drawing algorith...
To draw a cuboid, you have to use the box() function by giving its dimensions as its parameters. size(200, 200, P3D); //Starting the P3D renderer translate(width/2, height/2); //Translating to the centre of the sketch rotateY(PI/4); //rotate so that... rotateX(PI/6); //... it will be easy to see...
If you have an attribute that needs to be saved and retrieved to database as an object, then specify the name of that attribute using the serialize method and it will be handled automatically. The attribute must be declared as a text field. In the model you must declare the type of the field (Hash...
In your migration class Users < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change create_table :users do |t| ... t.text :preference t.text :tag ... t.timestamps end end end In your model class User < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :preferences,...
Here's a program which might benefit from refactoring. It's a simple program using C++11 which is intended to calculate and print all prime numbers from 1 to 100 and is based on a program that was posted on CodeReview for review. #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cma...
You need to get some details from your OAuth provider of choice. We'll be looking at Google, but ASP.NET is also set up to allow out-the-box use of Twitter, Facebook and Microsoft (obviously). You'll want to go to the Google developer console (https://console.developers.google.com/) and create a pr...
When someone registers with your application, a new ApplicationUser object will be stored in the database. By default the class is very barebones, but it can be customised - you can find it in Models > IdentityModels.cs. This is mine: public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser { public ...
Go to Providers > ApplicationOAuthProvider.cs and edit the ValidateClientRedirectUri function. This was a big gotcha to me, as if you don't do this there'll be a fantastically unhelpful error message. By default, this code will make any callbacks to your site invalid unless they're to the site's ...
Here is the default flow of registering a user in Web API. All of these routes can be found in the AccountController: The user requests a list of the login providers using the GetExternalLogins route, passing a return URL as a parameter. This returns an array of provider objects, containing t...
I have found that the Web API template is broken - the default implementation relies on cookies in the final step, which you probably don't want to be using in a Rest API. Without a cookie, GetExternalLoginInfoAsync in RegisterExternal always returns null. I removed RegisterExternal entirely, inste...
The Shortest Common Super Sequence is a problem closely related to the longest common subsequence, which you can use as an external function for this task. The shortest common super sequence problem is a problem closely related to the longest common subsequence problem. A shortest common superseque...
public class ShortestCommonSupersequence { private static int Max(int a, int b) { return a > b ? a : b; } private static int Lcs(string x, string y, int m, int n) { var l = new int[m + 1, n + 1]; for (var i = 0; i <= m; i++) {...
Detailed instructions on getting systemjs set up or installed.
In this example, we will compile functions that computes sum and difference given two real number. from __future__ import print_function import theano import theano.tensor as T #define two symbolic scalar s_x = T.fscalar() s_y = T.fscalar() #compute something s_sum = s_x + s_y s_diff = ...
The most important part of your RMD file is the YAML header. For writing an academic paper, I suggest to use PDF output, numbered sections and a table of content (toc). --- title: "Writing an academic paper in R" author: "Author" date: "Date" output: pdf_documen...
If you have no *.bib file, you can use a references field in the document’s YAML metadata. This should include an array of YAML-encoded references, for example: --- title: "Writing an academic paper in R" author: "Author" date: "Date" output: pdf_document: ...

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