Tutorial by Examples: al

TestNG requires JDK 7 or higher to use. According to http://testng.org/doc/download.html in order to install testng you need to add testng dependency to your maven pom.xml or gradle build.gradle file Maven: <repositories> <repository> <id>jcenter</id> <name...
This example updates last write time of a huge number of files (using System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles instead of System.IO.Directory.GetFiles()). Optionally you can specify a search pattern (default is "*.*" and eventually search through a directory tree (not only the specified director...
echo off cls sqlcmd.exe -S "your server name" -U "sql user name" -P "sql password" -d "name of databse" -Q "here you may write your query/stored procedure" Batch files like these can be used to automate tasks, for example to make backups of ...
Detailed instructions on getting aspectj set up or installed.
cts:search( fn:doc(), cts:word-query("marklogic"))
This can be done in the following two ways - cts:search( fn:collection("first-collection"), cts:word-query("marklogic")) In this, the scope is changed from all the documents to documents in collection "first-collection" only. In the second approach, use ...
This query returns all the documents with element "company" and its value as "marklogic" cts:element-value-query(xs:QName('company'), 'marklogic'))
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; // also add reference to System.Numberics namespace ConsoleApplication33 { class Program { private static IEnumerable<BigInteger> Fibonacci() { BigInteger p...
Tuples can be used to return multiple values from a method without using out parameters. In the following example AddMultiply is used to return two values (sum, product). void Write() { var result = AddMultiply(25, 28); Console.WriteLine(result.Item1); Console.WriteLine(result.Item2...
The methods object.wait(), object.notify() and object.notifyAll() are meant to be used in a very specific way. (see http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/java/5409/wait-notify#t=20160811161648303307 ) The "Lost Notification" problem One common beginner mistake is to unconditionally cal...
Detailed instructions on getting instagram set up or installed.
In order to get the official I18N Plugin into your CLI Project we need to install it by following the next steps. First you want to install the plugin via npm: npm install aurelia-i18n Since Aurelia-I18N is backed by i18next, you should install it and a backend plugin of your choice. As an exampl...
The simplest way is to use brew: brew install zsh After installation, you may want to set it as your default shell by doing: sudo echo '/usr/local/bin/zsh' >> /etc/shells chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh If you have git, and required command line tools installed you can compile and install ...
Detailed instructions on getting linux-device-driver set up or installed.
Coments "Comments are enclosed in double quotes. BEWARE: This is NOT a string!" "They can span multiple lines." Strings 'Strings are enclosed in sigle quotes.' 'Single quotes are escaped with a single quote, like this: ''.' '''' "<--This string contains one sin...
private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getCanonicalName()); WebView webView = new WebView(); webEngine = webView.getEngine(); webEngine.setOnAlert(event -> logger.warning(() -> "JS alert: " + event.getData()));
The display of elements in a list or grids is a very common pattern in mobile applications. The user sees a collection of items and can scroll through them. The collection of items can be a list, a grid or another structured representations of data. The RecyclerView widget is a more advanced and fl...
Installing TeamCity server Setting up and Running Additional Build Agents
SolrJ comes as part of the Solr distribution since Solr 1.x. The latest Solr version can be downloaded here. From Solr-6.3.0 that is the latest version available, we need to get the following libraries and add them to our build path: /dist/apache-solr-solrj-.jar /dist/solrj-lib/ Once we're done,...
Let's create two simple tables: CREATE TABLE users (username text, email text); CREATE TABLE simple_users () INHERITS (users); Adding columns ALTER TABLE simple_users ADD COLUMN password text; simple_users ColumnTypeusernametextemailtextpasswordtext Adding the same column to the parent ta...

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