Tutorial by Examples: al

Detailed instructions on getting rails-activerecord set up or installed.
After finding an official Julia package, it is straightforward to download and install the package. Firstly, it's recommended to refresh the local copy of METADATA: julia> Pkg.update() This will ensure that you get the latest versions of all packages. Suppose that the package we want to inst...
Some experimental packages are not included in the METADATA package repository. These packages can be installed by directly cloning their Git repositories. Note that there may be dependencies of unregistered packages that are themselves unregistered; those dependencies cannot be resolved by the pack...
According to Material Documentation: A linear progress indicator should always fill from 0% to 100% and never decrease in value. It should be represented by bars on the edge of a header or sheet that appear and disappear. To use a material Linear ProgressBar just use in your xml: <Progres...
WampServer is a Windows web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PhpMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases. WampServer is available for free (under GPML license) in two distinct versions : 32 and 64 bits. Wa...
Julia Symbol literals must be legal identifiers. This works: julia> :cat :cat But this does not: julia> :2cat ERROR: MethodError: no method matching *(::Int64, ::Base.#cat) Closest candidates are: *(::Any, ::Any, ::Any, ::Any...) at operators.jl:288 *{T<:Union{Int128,Int16,Int...
Search for a lemma when you know what its conclusion ought to be: Coq < SearchPattern (S _ <= _). le_n_S: forall n m : nat, n <= m -> S n <= S m You can also search on a partial conclusion (the conclusion and one or several last hypotheses). Coq < Require Import Arith. Coq &...
Depending on the service, you will either need to use Basic Authentication with a username and password or pass an apikey as a parameter in each request. Some services also support token authentication. GET using Tone Analyzer: curl -X GET \ -u "username":"password" \ -d &qu...
Detailed instructions on getting twitter-oauth set up or installed.
First of all you need to have IIS (Internet Information Services) installed and running on your machine; IIS isn't available by default, you have to add the characteristic from Control Panel -> Programs -> Windows Characteristics. Download the PHP version you like from http://windows.php.ne...
Detailed instructions on getting odata set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting opengl-es set up or installed.
Box boxlty - box line type boxlwd - box line width boxcol - box line color boxfill - box fill colors Median medlty - median line type ("blank" for no line) medlwd - median line widht medcol - median line color medpch - median point (NA for no symbol) medcex - median point s...
fn is_prime(n: u64) -> bool { (2..n).all(|divisor| n % divisor != 0) } Of course this is isn't a fast test. We can stop testing at the square root of n: (2..n) .take_while(|divisor| divisor * divisor <= n) .all(|divisor| n % divisor != 0)
The easiest way to clear all of the items from a Collection is to simply replace it with a new Collection and let the old one go out of scope: Public Sub Example() Dim foo As New Collection With foo .Add "One" .Add "Two" .Add "Thre...
When used inside a double-quoted string, the escape character (backtick `) reperesents a special character. `0 #Null `a #Alert/Beep `b #Backspace `f #Form feed (used for printer output) `n #New line `r #Carriage return `t #Horizontal tab `v #Vertical tab (used for pri...
To use default values with **kwargs def fun(**kwargs): print kwargs.get('value', 0) fun() # print 0 fun(value=1) # print 1
Detailed instructions on getting sorting set up or installed.
After building a regression model it is important to check the result and decide if the model is appropriate and works well with the data at hand. This can be done by examining the residuals plot as well as other diagnostic plots. # fit the model fit <- lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars) # par(mfro...
Installation Installation of Log4j2 is as simple as putting log4j2 jar in application classpath. Though you might want to customize logs output through additional config file Configuration maven To add log4j to project in maven, add it's dependency: In pom.xml add following dependency: <dep...

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