Tutorial by Examples: by

This error message may be produced by the OpenSSH ssh client. It means that the TCP connection between the client and the server was closed by the server immediately after being accepted. This message generally indicates the SSH server has been configured not to accept connections from the client fo...
An example of defining a hash table and accessing a value by the key $hashTable = @{ Key1 = 'Value1' Key2 = 'Value2' } $hashTable.Key1 #output Value1 An example of accessing a key with invalid characters for a property name: $hashTable = @{ 'Key 1' = 'Value3' Key2 = 'Val...
For getting the next 10 rows just run this query: SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY id OFFSET 10 ROWS FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ONLY; Key points to consider when using it: ORDER BY is mandatory to use OFFSET and FETCH clause. OFFSET clause is mandatory with FETCH. You can never use, ORDER BY … FETC...
The first to thing to have: a model that contains a has_many relation with another model. class Project < ApplicationRecord has_many :todos end class Todo < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :project end In ProjectsController: class ProjectsController < ApplicationController d...
This is a sample Fastfile setup for a multi-flavor app. It gives you an option to build and deploy all flavors or a single flavor. After the deployment, it reports to Slack the status of the deployment, and sends a notification to testers in Beta by Crashlytics testers group. To build and deploy al...
SELECT item.item_id, item.name, /* not SQL-92 */ COUNT(*) number_of_uses FROM item JOIN uses ON item.item_id, uses.item_id GROUP BY item.item_id will show the rows in a table called item, and show the count of related rows in a table called uses. This works well, but unfo...
SELECT item.item_id, uses.category, /* nonstandard */ COUNT(*) number_of_uses FROM item JOIN uses ON item.item_id, uses.item_id GROUP BY item.item_id will show the rows in a table called item, and show the count of related rows in a table called uses. It will also show the va...
Sometimes a query looks like this, with a * in the SELECT clause. SELECT item.*, /* nonstandard */ COUNT(*) number_of_uses FROM item JOIN uses ON item.item_id, uses.item_id GROUP BY item.item_id Such a query needs to be refactored to comply with the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sta...
The example builds a string from the name of the parent record, the name of this record, and the memo of this record. {createdfrom} || ' ' || {name} || ' ' || {memo}
'<div style="font-size:11pt">' || expression || '</div>'
Requirement for Local development 1) MySQL server(I am Using XAMPP for MySQL server) 2) For Test API You can use Postman(optional) 3) Before run application,make sure MySQL server is running, properly prepare your application.properties file(DB_Name, Username,Password). 1.Add following depen...
Here is a simple proof by induction. Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid. Require Import Coq.Arith.Lt. (* A number is less than or equal to itself *) Theorem aLTEa : forall a, a <= a. auto with arith. (* This follows by simple arithmetic *) Qed. Theorem simplALTE : forall a ...
Flask's built-in webserver is able to serve static assets, and this works fine for development. However, for production deployments that are using something like uWSGI or Gunicorn to serve the Flask application, the task of serving static files is one that is typically offloaded to the frontend webs...
Within the CodeIgniter, there are two main directories to worry about: system and application. The system folder contains the core guts of CodeIgniter. The application folder will contain all of the code specific to your application, including models, controllers, views and other relevant libraries...
3.3 Instancing can be done via modifications to how vertex attributes are provided to the vertex shader. This introduces a new way of accessing attribute arrays, allowing them to provide per-instance data that looks like a regular attribute. A single instance represents one object or group of vert...
File myFile = new File(getFilesDir(), "myData.bin"); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(myFile); // Write four bytes one two three four: out.write(new byte [] { 1, 2, 3, 4} out.close() There is nothing Android specific with this code. If you write lots of small ...
Find-Module -Name <Name>
Install-Module -Name <name>
Update-Module -Name <Name>
const { remote } = require("electron"); // <- The Node.js require() function is // added to JavaScript by electron function setProgress(p) { // p = number from 0 to 1 const currentWindow = remote.getCurrentWindow(); currentWindow.setProgre...

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