Tutorial by Examples: al

Enable the module by typing: sudo a2enmod ssl Restart the web server (apache2) so the change is recognized: sudo service apache2 restart Optional (but a good idea): Create a directory that will contain our new certificate files: sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl Create the key and self-signed ...
A question that occasionally on StackOverflow is whether it is appropriate to use assert to validate arguments supplied to a method, or even inputs provided by the user. The simple answer is that it is not appropriate. Better alternatives include: Throwing an IllegalArgumentException using cust...
Detailed instructions on getting sybase set up or installed.
import sympy as sy x, y = sy.symbols("x y") # nsolve needs the (in this case: two) equations, the names of the variables # (x,y) we try to evaluate solutions for, and an initial guess (1,1) for the # solution print sy.nsolve((x**3+sy.exp(y)-4,x+3*y),(x,y),(1,1)) The result s...
Detailed instructions on getting clion set up or installed.
This example is divided into two pillars SalaryCalculation Class : Calculating the net salary after tax deduction SalaryCalculationTests Class : For testing the method that calculates the net salary Step 1: Create Class Library, name it WagesLibrary or any appropriate name. Then rename the cl...
Homebrew calls itself 'the missing package manager for macOS'. It can be used to build and install applications and libraries. Once installed, you can use the brew command to install PostgreSQL and it's dependencies as follows: brew update brew install postgresql Homebrew generally installs the...
When mapping our entities to database table names we rely on a @Table annotation. But if we have a naming convention for our database table names, we can implement a custom physical naming strategy in order to tell hibernate to calculate table names based on the names of the entities, without explic...
# ... # same as above @app.route('/welcome/<name>') def welcome(name): return render_template('main.html', name=name) @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): if request.method == 'POST': # ... # check for valid login, assign username ...
To use auto layout we need to enable a boolean flag in storyboard. Its shown in the below image. After this we can use auto layout in our storyboard. There is another option if we want to use size classes or not. Size class is also a helpful option in auto layout which helps us to design for differe...
Detailed instructions on getting google-cloud-platform set up or installed.
public class CreateArrayWithValues { public static void main(String[] args){ // Initializes an array of Strings with values String[] myArray = {"this", "array", "has", "six", "initial", "values"}; System.out....
Detailed instructions on getting scenekit set up or installed.
from scipy.stats import rv_continuous import numpy class Neg_exp(rv_continuous): def _cdf(self, x, lamda): return 1-numpy.exp(-lamda*x) neg_exp = Neg_exp(name="Negative exponential", a=0) print (neg_exp.pdf(0,.5)) print (neg_exp.pdf(5,.5)) print (neg_exp.cdf(5...
There are many reasons a write operation may fail. A frequent one is because your security rules reject the operation, for example because you're not authenticated (by default a database can only be accessed by an authenticated user). You can see these security rule violations in the output of your...
HTML DOM is Expensive Each web page is represented internally as a tree of objects. This representation is called Document Object Model. Moreover, it is a language-neutral interface that allows programming languages (such as JavaScript) to access the HTML elements. In other words The HTML DOM...
Generating the minimum number of operations to transform one tree into another have a complexity in the order of O(n^3) where n is the number of nodes in the tree. React relies on two assumptions to solve this problem in a linear time - O(n) Two components of the same class will generate sim...
There are two equivalent ways to calculate the amount of time unit between two LocalTime: (1) through until(Temporal, TemporalUnit) method and through (2) TemporalUnit.between(Temporal, Temporal). import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; public class AmountOfTime { ...
Recommended way to install Slim framework is by using composer. Create an empty directory This directory will contain all required files for our Slim application to run. We call this directory root directory so we can address all other application files and directories relative to root directo...
JSON_MODIFY function uses JSON text as input parameter, and modifies a value on the specified path using third argument: declare @json nvarchar(4000) = N'{"Id":1,"Name":"Toy Car","Price":34.99}' set @json = JSON_MODIFY(@json, '$.Price', 39.99) print @json -...

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