Tutorial by Examples: c

public void setFont(TextView textView) { textView.setTypeface(myFont); }
Protocol oriented programing can be used as a core Swift design pattern. Different types are able to conform to the same protocol, value types can even conform to multiple protocols and even provide default method implementation. Initially protocols are defined that can represent commonly used pro...
Code source View the output here using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using PdfSharp; using PdfSharp.Drawing; using PdfSharp.Pdf; using PdfSharp.Pdf.IO; namespace HelloWorld { /// <summary> /// This sample is the obligatory Hello World program. /// &l...
For one-time, non-constant requests for a user's physical activity, use the Snapshot API: // Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section Awareness.SnapshotApi.getDetectedActivity(client) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<DetectedActivityResult>() { ...
// Remember to intialize your client as described in the Remarks section Awareness.SnapshotApi.getLocation(client) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<LocationResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull LocationResult locationResult) { Location lo...
// Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section Awareness.SnapshotApi.getPlaces(client) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<PlacesResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull PlacesResult placesResult) { List<PlaceLike...
// Remember to initialize your client as described in the Remarks section Awareness.SnapshotApi.getWeather(client) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<WeatherResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull WeatherResult weatherResult) { Weather weathe...
Thus these variables will use dynamic binding. (defparameter count 0) ;; All uses of count will refer to this one (defun handle-number (number) (incf count) (format t "~&~d~%" number)) (dotimes (count 4) ;; count is shadowed, but still special (handle-number coun...
Remember, all the best practices of typical web architecture still apply. For an excellent overview on the subject, please refer to Michael Nygard's excellent book Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software. Writing your app in Meteor doesn't absolve you of auditing third party librarie...
The #Const directive is used to define a custom preprocessor constant. These can later be used by #If to control which blocks of code get compiled and executed. #Const DEBUGMODE = 1 #If DEBUGMODE Then Const filepath As String = "C:\Users\UserName\Path\To\File.txt" #Else Cons...
#If Vba7 Then ' It's important to check for Win64 first, ' because Win32 will also return true when Win64 does. #If Win64 Then Declare PtrSafe Function GetFoo64 Lib "exampleLib32" () As LongLong #Else Declare PtrSafe Function GetFoo Lib "exampl...
Another use of RODBC is in connecting with SQL Server Management Database. We need to specify the 'Driver' i.e. SQL Server here, the database name "Atilla" and then use the sqlQuery to extract either the full table or a fraction of it. library(RODBC) cn <- odbcDriverConnect(connect...
proc myproc {} { puts "hi" } myproc # => hi An empty argument list (the second argument after the procedure name, "myproc") means that the procedure will not accept arguments.
proc myproc {alpha beta} { ... set foo $alpha set beta $bar ;# note: possibly useless invocation } myproc 12 34 ;# alpha will be 12, beta will be 34 If the argument list consists of words, those will be the names of local variables in the procedure, and their initi...
### Definition proc myproc {alpha {beta {}} {gamma green}} { puts [list $alpha $beta $gamma] } ### Use myproc A # => A {} green myproc A B # => A B green myproc A B C # => A B C This procedure accepts one, two, or three arguments: those parameters whose names are the fi...
proc myproc args { ... } proc myproc {args} { ... } ;# equivalent If the special parameter name args is the last item in the argument list, it receives a list of all arguments at that point in the command line. If there are none, the list is empty. There can be arguments, including optional one...
proc myproc {varName alpha beta} { upvar 1 $varName var set var [expr {$var * $alpha + $beta}] } set foo 1 myproc foo 10 5 puts $foo # => 15 In this particular case, the procedure is given the name of a variable in the current scope. Inside a Tcl procedure, such variables aren't...
Variables in Visual Basic are declared using the Dim keyword. For example, this declares a new variable called counter with the data type Integer: Dim counter As Integer A variable declaration can also include an access modifier, such as Public, Protected, Friend, or Private. This works in conju...
# application.rb config.time_zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' config.active_record.default_timezone = :local

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