Tutorial by Examples: c

Delete the local database files. Just exit the Mongo shell, navigate to the /dbpath (wherever you set it up), and delete the files within that directory.
Did you know about the --url flag? Very handy. meteor mongo --url YOURSITE.meteor.com
They're not easily accessible. If you run the 'meteor bundle' command, you can generate a tar.gz file, and then run your app manually. Doing that, you should be able to access the mongo logs... probably in the .meteor/db directory. If you really need to access mongodb log files, set up a regular mo...
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ db.posts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'version':'v1.0'}}, false, true); });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.arrayOfObjects){ // the false, true at the end refers to $upsert, and $multi, respectively db.accounts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$unset: {'arrayOfObjects': "" }}, false, true); } });
db.originalName.renameCollection("newName" );
With the power of regex comes great responsibility.... db.posts.find({'text': /.*foo.*|.*bar.*/i})
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.oldField){ db.posts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'newField':doc.oldField}}, false, true); } });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.commenters){ var firstCommenter = db.users.findOne({'_id': doc.commenters[0]._id }); db.clients.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'firstPost': firstCommenter }}, false, true); var firstCommenter = db.users.findOne({'_id': do...
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.commentsBlobId){ var commentsBlob = db.comments.findOne({'_id': commentsBlobId }); db.posts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'comments': commentsBlob }}, false, true); } });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(!doc.foo){ db.posts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'foo':'bar'}}, false, true); } });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.foo === 'bar'){ db.posts.remove({_id: doc._id}); } });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.foo === 'bar'){ db.posts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{'foo':'squee'}}, false, true); } });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.oldfield){ // the false, true at the end refers to $upsert, and $multi, respectively db.accounts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$unset: {'oldfield': "" }}, false, true); } });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ db.accounts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set: {'_id': doc._id.str }}, false, true); });
var newvalue = ""; db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.foo){ newvalue = '"' + doc.foo + '"'; db.accounts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set: {'doc.foo': newvalue}}); } });
var newvalue = null; db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc.foo){ newvalue = '"' + doc.foo + '"'; db.accounts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set: {'doc.foo': newvalue}}); } });
db.posts.find().forEach(function(doc){ if(doc._id){ db.posts.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set:{ timestamp: new Date(parseInt(doc._id.str.slice(0,8), 16) *1000) }}, false, true); } });
var timestamp = Math.floor(new Date(1974, 6, 25).getTime() / 1000); var hex = ('00000000' + timestamp.toString(16)).substr(-8); // zero padding var objectId = new ObjectId(hex + new ObjectId().str.substring(8));
What we're doing here is referencing the array index using dot notation db.posts.find({"tags.0": {$exists: true }})

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