Tutorial by Examples

class CreateAuthenticationProviders < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table "authentication_providers", :force => true do |t| t.string "name" t.datetime "created_at", :null => false ...
class CreateUserAuthentications < ActiveRecord::Migration def change create_table "user_authentications", :force => true do |t| t.integer "user_id" t.integer "authentication_provider_id" t.string "uid&q...
belongs_to :user belongs_to :authentication_provider serialize :params def self.create_from_omniauth(params, user, provider) token_expires_at = params['credentials']['expires_at'] ? Time.at(params['credentials']['expires_at']).to_datetime : nil create( user: user, ...
include OmniauthAttributesConcern has_many :user_authentications devise :omniauthable, :database_authenticatable, :registerable,:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable def self.create_from_omniauth(params) self.send(params.provider,params) end
module OmniauthAttributesConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods Add Methods here end end In this concern we can create methods for each social media to fetch and store attributes. def twitter params (params['info']['email'] = "dummy#{SecureRan...
devise_for :users, controllers: {omniauth_callbacks: 'users/omniauth_callbacks'}
For Facebook config.omniauth :facebook, facebook_app_id, facebook_secret_key, :display => "popup", :scope => 'email,publish_actions', info_fields: 'email,name' For Twitter config.omniauth :twitter, twitter_app_id, twitter_secret_key, :display => "popup", :scope =&gt...
gem 'omniauth-oauth2' , '~> 1.3.1' gem 'omniauth' gem 'omniauth-facebook' gem 'omniauth-twitter' gem 'omniauth-gplus' gem 'omniauth-linkedin' Run the bundle install command, restart your server and off you go!
Moving away from a buffer with unsaved changes will cause this error: E37: No write since last change (add ! to override) You can disable this by adding set hidden to your .vimrc file. With this option set your changes will persist in the buffer, but will not be saved to disk.
The System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState object provides a way to persist values between HTTP requests. In the example below, a user's preference for warnings is being saved in the session. Later on, while serving another request to the user, the application can read this preference from session...
If you find that you have multiple servers that need to share session state, storing it in the ASP.NET process memory will not work. For example you may deploy into a web-farm environment with a load balancer that distributes requests in a round-robin fashion. In this environment a single user's req...
If you don't want to use SQL server you can use Amazon's hosted Dynamo DB nosql database as a session store. You'll need the AWS SDK. To install this from the Visual Studio nuget package manager console use the following command Install-Package AWSSDK You can then configure your sessionState p...
When one wishes to convert a list to a vector or data.frame object empty elements are typically dropped. This can be problematic which a list is created of a desired length are created with some empty values (e.g. a list with n elements is created to be added to an m x n matrix, data.frame, or data...
user_one = User.find(1) user_two = User.find(1) user_one.name = "John" user_one.save # Run at the same instance user_two.name = "Doe" user_two.save # Raises a ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError
appointment = Appointment.find(5) appointment.lock! #no other users can read this appointment, #they have to wait until the lock is released appointment.save! #lock is released, other users can read this account
returnType (^blockName)(parameterType1, parameterType2, ...) = ^returnType(argument1, argument2, ...) {...}; float (^square)(float) = ^(float x) {return x*x;}; square(5); // resolves to 25 square(-7); // resolves to 49 Here's an example with no return and no parameters: NSMutableDicti...
If you want to use RSpec for a Rails project, you should use the rspec-rails gem, which can generate helpers and spec files for you automatically (for example, when you create models, resources or scaffolds using rails generate). Add rspec-rails to both the :development and :test groups in the Gem...
This is a copy of the advanced function snippet from the Powershell ISE. Basically this is a template for many of the things you can use with advanced functions in Powershell. Key points to note: get-help integration - the beginning of the function contains a comment block that is set up to be ...
To work with ConstraintLayout, you need Android Studio Version 2.2 or newer and have at least version 32 (or higher) of Android Support Repository. Add the Constraint Layout library as a dependency in your build.gradle file: dependencies { compile 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint...

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