Tutorial by Examples: c

Firebase handles notifications differently when the app is in background (killed process) and when in foreground (active). When your app is in the background, notification messages are displayed in the system tray, and onMessageReceived is not called. For notification messages with a data payload...
In order to deploy the application on docker, first we need to get the image from registry. docker pull php This will get you the latest version of image from official php repository. Generally speaking, PHP is usually used to deploy web-applications so we need an http server to go with the imag...
Dockerfile is used to configure the custom image that we will be building with the web-application codes. Create a new file Dockerfile in the root folder of project and then put the following contents in the same FROM php:7.0-apache COPY /etc/php/php.ini /usr/local/etc/php/ COPY . /var/www/html/ ...
Once we have an image ready, we can start and serve the same. In order to create a container from the image, use docker run -p 80:80 -d <Image name> In the command above -p 80:80 would forward port 80 of your server to port 80 of the container. The flag -d tells that the container should r...
A typedef declaration has the same syntax as a variable or function declaration, but it contains the word typedef. The presence of typedef causes the declaration to declare a type instead of a variable or function. int T; // T has type int typedef int T; // T is an alias for int int A[1...
The rule that typedef declarations have the same syntax as ordinary variable and function declarations can be used to read and write more complex declarations. void (*f)(int); // f has type "pointer to function of int returning void" typedef void (*f)(int); // f is an alias for &...
The typedef keyword is a specifier, so it applies separately to each declarator. Therefore, each name declared refers to the type that that name would have in the absence of typedef. int *x, (*p)(); // x has type int*, and p has type int(*)() typedef int *x, (*p)(); // x is an alias for in...
C++11 The syntax of using is very simple: the name to be defined goes on the left hand side, and the definition goes on the right hand side. No need to scan to see where the name is. using I = int; using A = int[100]; // array of 100 ints using FP = void(*)(int); // pointer to...
Narrow character types The unsigned char type uses all bits to represent a binary number. Therefore, for example, if unsigned char is 8 bits long, then the 256 possible bit patterns of a char object represent the 256 different values {0, 1, ..., 255}. The number 42 is guaranteed to be represented b...
<http:listener-config name="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" host="localhost" port="${http.port}" doc:name="HTTP Listener Configuration"/> <db:mysql-config name="MySQL_Configuration" host="${db.host}" port="${db.port}"...
With turbolinks, the traditional approach to using: $(document).ready(function() { // awesome code }); won't work. While using turbolinks, the $(document).ready() event will only fire once: on the initial page load. From that point on, whenever a user clicks a link on your website, turbolink...
It is very easy to disable turbolinks on specific links. According to the official turbolinks documentation: Turbolinks can be disabled on a per-link basis by annotating a link or any of its ancestors with data-turbolinks="false". Examples: // disables turbolinks for this one link ...
Application visits are initiated by clicking a Turbolinks-enabled link, or programmatically by calling Turbolinks.visit(location) By default, the visit function uses the 'advance' action. More understandably, the default behavior for the visit function is to advance to the page indicated by the ...
Turbolinks provides an event listener that can be used to stop visits from occurring. Listen to the turbolinks:before-visit event to be notified when a visit is about to commence. In the event handler, you can use: // pure javascript event.data.url or // jQuery $event.originalEvent.data.url...
Consider the following situation: Imagine that you are the developer of a social media website that allows users to be friends with other users and that employs turbolinks to make page loading faster. In the top right of every page on the site, there is a number indicating the total number of friend...
Textures for this example are available at: http://planetpixelemporium.com/planets.html Installation or Setup You can install three via npm npm install three Or add it as a script to your HTML page <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/th...
Go to the DOWNLOAD ANACONDA NOW page. Beneath the “Graphical Installer” buttons for Anaconda for macOS, there are command-line text links for Python versions 2.7 and 3.6. Download the command line installer for Anaconda with Python 2.7 or Anaconda with Python 3.6. Optional: Verify data integrity w...
$pwd Displays the present working directory. $who Displays all the users logged in. $who am i Shows the username of the current user. $date Displays the current system date $which <command> Shows the path of the specified command. For example "$which pwd" will sho...
Since 1.7 there's a java.util.BitSet class that provides simple and user-friendly bit storage and manipulation interface: final BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(8); // by default all bits are unset IntStream.range(0, 8).filter(i -> i % 2 == 0).forEach(bitSet::set); // {0, 2, 4, 6} bitSet.set(3);...
To allow multiple user registration on Ejabberd server, we need to configure file ejabberd.yml in Ejabberd latest versions. Configure ejabberd.yml like: in access_rules: add register: - allow register_from: - allow registration_timeout: - infinity mod_register: acc...

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