Tutorial by Examples

Pre-requisites: cx_Oracle package - See here for all versions Oracle instant client - For Windows x64, Linux x64 Setup: Install the cx_Oracle package as: sudo rpm -i <YOUR_PACKAGE_FILENAME> Extract the Oracle instant client and set environment variables as: ORACLE_HOME=&...
Adding tags to "describe" or "it" blocks allows you to run only those examples with a given tag. Use the --tag (or -t) option to run examples that match a specified tag. The tag can be a simple name or a name:value pair. If a simple name is supplied, only examples with :name...
In features/step_definitions/documentation.rb: When /^I go to the "([^"]+)" documentation$/ do |section| path_part = case section when "Documentation" "documentation" else raise "Unknown documentation section: #{section...
If you are only adding new rows in your RDBMS (not updating existing data) You need two additional parameters: --check-column : A column name that should be checked for newly appended data. Integer would be a suitable data type for this column. --last-value : The last value that successfully im...
If you are adding new rows and updating existing data. You need two additional parameters: --check-column : A column name that should be checked for newly appended and updated data. date, time, datetime and timestamp are suitable data types for this column. --last-value : The last value that su...
Local variables - Those declared within a procedure (subroutine or function) of a class (or other structure). In this example, exampleLocalVariable is a local variable declared within ExampleFunction(): Public Class ExampleClass1 Public Function ExampleFunction() As Integer Dim exa...
CREATE TABLE dbo.logging_table(log_id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, log_message VARCHAR(255)) CREATE TABLE dbo.person(person_id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, person_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL) GO; CREATE TRIGGER dbo.InsertToADiffere...
CREATE TABLE dbo.logging_table(log_id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, log_message VARCHAR(255)) CREATE TABLE dbo.person(person_id INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, person_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL) GO; CREATE TRIGGER dbo.InsertToADiffere...
SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('dbo.person'); This will select the most recently-added identity value on the selected table, regardless of connection or scope.
$ npm install -g parse-server mongodb-runner $ mongodb-runner start $ parse-server --appId APPLICATION_ID --masterKey MASTER_KEY --databaseURI mongodb://localhost/test You can use any arbitrary string as your application id and master key. These will be used by your clients to authenticate with...
Now that you're running Parse Server, it is time to save your first object. We'll use the REST API, but you can easily do the same using any of the Parse SDKs. Run the following: curl -X POST \ -H "X-Parse-Application-Id: APPLICATION_ID" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \...
You can also create an instance of Parse Server, and mount it on a new or existing Express website: var express = require('express'); var ParseServer = require('parse-server').ParseServer; var app = express(); var api = new ParseServer({ databaseURI: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev', // Conn...
'use strict'; const http = require('http'); const PORT = 8080; const server = http.createServer((request, response) => { let buffer = ''; request.on('data', chunk => { buffer += chunk; }); request.on('end', () => { const responseString = `Received string ${buffe...
function wait(ms) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { setTimeout(resolve, ms) }) }
file:write_file("myfile.txt", ["Hi " [<<"there">>], $\n]).
["Guten Tag " | [<<"Hello">>]]. [<<"Guten Tag ">> | [<<"Hello">>]]. [$G, $u, $t, $e, $n , $T, $a, $g | [<<"Hello">>]]. [71,117,116,101,110,84,97,103,<<"Hello">>].
Data_1 = [<<"Hello">>]. Data_2 = [Data_1,<<" Guten Tag ">>].
["Guten tag " | <<"Hello">>]. In the shell this will be printed as ["Guten tag "|<<"Hello">>] instead of ["Guten tag ",<<"Hello">>]. The pipe operator will create an improper list if the last element o...
Data = ["Guten tag ",<<"Hello">>], Len = iolist_size(Data), [<<Len:32>> | Data]. The size of an iolist can be calculated using the iolist_size/1. This snippet calculates the size of a message and creates and appends it to the front as a four byte bina...
<<"Guten tag, Hello">> = iolist_to_binary(["Guten tag, ",<<"Hello">>]). An IO list can be converted to a binary using the iolist_to_binary/1 function. If the data is going to be stored for a long period or sent as a message to other processes ...

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