Tutorial by Examples

Parallel GC is Stop-The-World (STW) collector which stop all the application threads when running the garbage collector. When Parallel GC was introduced it was only enabled the parallel GC in young generation collector and OldGeneration Collector was single thread stop-the-world collector, but late...
Installing mvvmcross with nugget: Search for mvvmcross in the "Manage Nugget Packages" window. Installing mvvmcross with Package Manger Console: PM> Install-Package MvvmCross Make sure to install it on both your PCL (Portable Class Library) and you application project. As the...
Mvvmcross is an open source MVVM platform that comes to solve our problems while developing cross platform applications (such as Android, Windows Phone, IOS, etc...). The main problem is, that every platform has its own specifics, but the business logic of your application is likely to be the same ...
$title = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['title'] );
The returned value is intended to be suitable for use in a URL, not as a human-readable title. Use sanitize_text_field instead. $new_url = sanitize_title($title);
$post_class = sanitize_html_class( $post->post_title ); echo '<div class="' . $post_class . '">';
$incfile = sanitize_file_name($_REQUEST["file"]); include($incfile . ".php"); Without sanitizing the file name an attacker could simple pass http://attacker_site/malicous_page as input and execute whatever code in your server.
$user = sanitize_user("attacker username<script>console.log(document.cookie)</script>"); $user value after sanitize is "attacker username"
Lets say you want to filter a query by two columns, but only certain combinations of those columns. For example, it's OK to have account 60400 with reference JE, but you cannot have account 60400 with reference ED, but you can have account 60500 with reference ED. select * from schema.table where ...
# 1. Login Azure by admin account Add-AzureAccount # # 2. Select subscription name $subscriptionName = Get-AzureSubscription | Select -ExpandProperty SubscriptionName # # 3. Create storage account $storageAccountName = $VMName # here we use VMName to play the storage account name and create...
First off you create the form @using (Html.BeginForm()) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken() } Action Method [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult Test(FormViewModel formData) { // ... } Script <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"&g...
Data Access Object(DAO) design pattern is a standard J2EE design pattern. In this design pattern data is accessed through classes containing methods to access data from databases or other sources, which are called data access objects. Standard practice assumes that there are POJO classes. DAO can b...
The Bluetooth specification contains several profile specifications. A profile describes how to use and implement a function. They can depend on each other, here is a basic layout of the most common profile dependencies All profiles can be found at BT SIG, be aware that different versions might ...
Exchange/convert a partition to a non-partitioned table and vice versa. This facilitates a fast "move" of data between the data segments (opposed to doing something like "insert...select" or "create table...as select") as the operation is DDL (the partition exchange ope...
Member names of an anonymous union belong to the scope of the union declaration an must be distinct to all other names of this scope. The example here has the same construction as example Anonymous Members using "struct" but is standard conform. struct Sample { union { int a...
ValueExpression ve = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression(<binding>, String.class); String <variable_name> = (String) ve.getValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getELContext()); Here "binding" indicates the EL expression from which the value is to be get. "variabl...
ValueExpression ve = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getValueExpression(<binding>, String.class); ve.setValue(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getELContext(), <value>); Here "binding" indicates the EL expression to which the value is to be stored. "value" is the desired val...
AdfELContext adfELContext = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getAdfELContext(); MethodExpression me; me = AdfmfJavaUtilities.getMethodExpression(<binding>, Object.class, new Class[] { }); me.invoke(adfELContext, new Object[] { }); "binding" indicates the EL expression from wh...
AdfmfContainerUtilities.invokeContainerJavaScriptFunction(AdfmfJavaUtilities.getFeatureId(), <function>, new Object[] { }); "function" is the desired js function to be invoked

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