Tutorial by Examples

Sometimes a component needs to render some data from a remote endpoint (e.g. a REST API). A standard practice is to make such calls in componentDidMount method. Here is an example, using superagent as AJAX helper: import React from 'react' import request from 'superagent' class App extends Rea...
Things are easy when you have to use a C++ library in a Python project. Just you can use Boost. First of all here is a list of components you need: A CMakeList.txt file, because you're going to use CMake. The C++ files of the C++ project. The python file - this is your python project. Let's...
Checking Requirements Run bin/symfony_requirements for checking symfony requirements and php cli setting. Install all packages that needed to run a symfony project. Setting your php.ini for example setting timezone and short_open_tag. Setting both php.ini for your php webserver (eg: /etc/php/apache...
<div class="container"> <h2>Alerts</h2> <div class="alert alert-success"> <strong>Success!</strong> </div> <div class="alert alert-info"> <strong>Info!</strong> </div> <div ...
The .fade and .in classes adds a fading effect when closing the alert message. <div class="alert alert-success fade in"> <a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">×</a> <strong>Succ...
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Interactivity; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; namespace MyBehavior...
<UserControl x:Class="Example.View" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"...
Before understand require to follow some setup for project integrate with firebase. Create your project in Firebase Console and download google-service.json file from console and put it in app level module of your project, Follow link for Create Project in console After this we require to...
Assume the following enum: enum Operation { Multiply(left : Int, right : Int); } Enum matching can be performed as follows: var result = switch(Multiply(1, 3)) { case Multiply(_, 0): 0; case Multiply(0, _): 0; case Multiply(l, r): l * r; } Ref...
Assume the following structure: var dog = { name : "Woofer", age : 7 }; Enum matching can be performed as follows: var message = switch(dog) { case { name : "Woofer" }: "I know you, Woofer!"; case _: "I don't know you, so...
var result = switch([1, 6]) { case [2, _]: "0"; case [_, 6]: "1"; case []: "2"; case [_, _, _]: "3"; case _: "4"; } References "Array matching", Haxe manual
The | operator can be used anywhere within patterns to describe multiple accepted patterns. If there is a captured variable in an or-pattern, it must appear in both its sub-patterns. var match = switch(7) { case 4 | 1: "0"; case 6 | 7: "1"; case _: "2"; ...
It is also possible to further restrict patterns with guards. These are defined by the case ... if(condition): syntax. var myArray = [7, 6]; var s = switch(myArray) { case [a, b] if (b > a): b + ">" +a; case [a, b]: b + "<=" +a; case _:...
Extractors are identified by the extractorExpression => match expression. Extractors consist of two parts, which are separated by the => operator. The left side can be any expression, where all occurrences of underscore _ are replaced with the currently matched value. The right side is a p...
This relies on the official consul docker image to run consul in clustered mode in a docker swarm with new swarm mode in Docker 1.12. This example is based on http://qnib.org/2016/08/11/consul-service/. Briefly the idea is to use two docker swarm services that talk to each other. This solves the pro...
This is example has extracted from this boilerplate. Custom middleware: export default function clientMiddleware() { return ({dispatch, getState}) => { return next => action => { if (typeof action === 'function') { return action(dispatch, getState); } ...
(Tested with ANTLR 4.5.3, Eclipse Neon, ANTLR 4 IDE 0.3.5, and Java 1.8) Download the latest ANTLR. Make sure to get the complete ANTLR Java binaries jar. Save to any appropriate location, for example the folder where other Java libraries are stored. It doesn’t matter where, just remember the loc...
Dependency resolver is used to avoid tightly-coupled classes, improve flexibility and make testing easy. You can create your own dependency injector (not recomended) or use one of well-written and tested dependency injectors. In this example I am going to use Ninject. Step one: Create dependency re...
Tk is the absolute root of the application, it is the first widget that needs to be instantiated and the GUI will shut down when it is destroyed. Toplevel is a window in the application, closing the window will destroy all children widgets placed on that window{1} but will not shut down the program...
The most basic case to lift a particular window above the others, just call the .lift() method on that window (either Toplevel or Tk) import tkinter as tk #import Tkinter as tk #change to commented for python2 root = tk.Tk() for i in range(4): #make a window with a label window = tk...

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