Tutorial by Examples

Groups can be added and nested within a report to organize the data in a hierarchy of sorted lists. Outer groups supersede any groups within. This directly affects which records are affected by the Previous keyword. Select Insert, Group from the menu bar. Select the field to group the data by fr...
The Java Language Specification describes Annotations as follows: An annotation is a marker which associates information with a program construct, but has no effect at run time. Annotations may appear before types or declarations. It is possible for them to appear in a place where they could a...
A thing to look out for when using the toString method in Kotlin is the handling of null in combination with the String?. For example you want to get text from an EditText in Android. You would have a piece of code like: // Incorrect: val text = view.textField?.text.toString() ?: "" ...
You can use the following instructions to install Theano and configure the GPU (assume a freshly installed Ubuntu 14.04): # Install Theano sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-dev python-pip python-nose g++ libopenblas-dev git sudo pip install Theano # Install Nvidia drivers, ...
You can run Theano on multiple CPU cores with the OMP_NUM_THREADS=[number_of_cpu_cores] flag. Example: OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python gpu_test.py The script theano/misc/check_blas.py outputs information regarding which BLAS is used: cd [theano_git_directory] OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 python theano/misc/ch...
vagrant ssh
vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config ssh default
FirebaseUI is just an open-source library by Google that provides easy UI bindings for Firebase Auth and Firebase Database. To begin adding FirebaseUI to your app, add these dependencies in your app's build.gradle file: android { // ... } dependencies { // Required for FirebaseUI Dat...
Assuming you have already set up an app in Android Studio, add a ListView to a layout (or skip if that's already done): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <android.support.design.widget.CoordinatorLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/...
Define a sequence of Targets (Target1, then Target2) that must execute before Target3. Note that an execution request for Target3 is required to cause Target1 and Target2 to be executed. <Target Name="Target3" DependsOnTargets="Target1;Target2"> </Target> <Tar...
Define a Target (Target1) for which an execution request will cause Target2 to be executed afterward. <Target Name="Target2" AfterTargets="Target1"> </Target> <Target Name="Target1"> </Target>
Define a Target (Target2) for which an execution request will cause Target1 to be executed beforehand. <Target Name="Target2"> </Target> <Target Name="Target1" BeforeTargets="Target2"> </Target>
Modal is a temporary UI that is displayed on top of your current page. This is often used for login, signup, editing existing options and selecting options. Let us look in to a simple example with modals used. To begin with we are creating an ionic blank project. Let us create a simple modal displa...
We now know how to create a modal. But what if we want to pass some data from modal to our home page. To do so, let us look into an example with modal as Register page passing parameters to parent page. Register.html <ion-header> <ion-toolbar> <ion-title> Login ...
Passing parameters to a modal is similar to how we pass values to a NavController. To do so, we are altering our list in home.html to open a modal when clicking a list item and passing the required parameters as a second argument to the create method. Home.html <ion-list> <ion-item ...
class my_model(models.Model): _name = "my.model" name = fields.Char('Name') @api.multi def foo_manipulate_records_1(self): """ function returns list of tuples (id,name) """ return [(i.id,i.name) for i in self] @...
Examples below demonstrate how to call Python function from JavaScript in Odoo 8. In the examples we call methods of my_model described early on this page. We assume that in the following examples "list_of_ids" variable contains list(array) of ids of existing records of "my.model&quo...
defmodule MyModule do @my_favorite_number 13 @use_snake_case "This is a string (use double-quotes)" end These are only accessible from within this module.
Declare: defmodule MyApp.ViaFunctions.Constants do def app_version, do: "0.0.1" def app_author, do: "Felix Orr" def app_info, do: [app_version, app_author] def bar, do: "barrific constant in function" end Consume with require: defmodule MyApp.ViaFuncti...
Declare: defmodule MyApp.ViaMacros.Constants do @moduledoc """ Apply with `use MyApp.ViaMacros.Constants, :app` or `import MyApp.ViaMacros.Constants, :app`. Each constant is private to avoid ambiguity when importing multiple modules that each have their own copies of th...

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