Tutorial by Examples

This document explains how to get Google Access tokens and use them to get Google Analytics data to be displayed in our websites. Example: A live example is available in https://newtonjoshua.com note: Use the same gmail account for all the below steps. STEP 1: Set Up Google Analytics Foll...
Parameters of these operators are lhs and rhs operator== tests if both elements on lhs and rhs pair are equal. The return value is true if both lhs.first == rhs.first AND lhs.second == rhs.second, otherwise false std::pair<int, int> p1 = std::make_pair(1, 2); std::pair<int, int> ...
When calling driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url);, the code execution stops until the page is fully loaded. This is sometimes unnecessary when you just want to extract data. Note: The code samples below could be considered hacks. There is no "official" way of doing this. Create a new thread...
# Define which servers to include in the load balancing scheme. # It's best to use the servers' private IPs for better performance and security. upstream backend { ip_hash; server slow_start=30s max_fails=3 fail_timeout=15s; server slow_start=30s max_fa...
XML <Animal> <legs>4</legs> <eyes>2</eyes> <horns>2</horns> <tail>1</tail> </Animal> XPATH boolean(/Animal/tusks) OUTPUT false
XPATH <Animal> <legs>4</legs> <eyes>2</eyes> <horns>2</horns> <tail>1</tail> </Animal> XPATH boolean(/Animal/horns) OUTPUT true
XML <House> <LivingRoom> <plant name="rose"/> </LivingRoom> <TerraceGarden> <plant name="passion fruit"/> <plant name="lily"/> <plant name="golden duranta"/> ...
SELECT CURRENT_DATE + '1 day'::INTERVAL SELECT '1999-12-11'::TIMESTAMP + '19 days'::INTERVAL SELECT '1 month'::INTERVAL + '1 month 3 days'::INTERVAL
Detailed instructions on getting architecture set up or installed.
If the Control has rows. TextBox tb = GridView1.Rows[i].FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox; Or if it has items. TextBox tb = Repeater1.Items[i].FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox;
Detailed instructions on getting directx-11 set up or installed.
Add arbitrary paths to the Maya Python environment in the userSetup.py file. userSetup.py is a Python file (not a module) which gets automatically executed on Maya startup. userSetup.py can live in a number of locations, depending on the os and environment variables. When Maya starts, it will exe...
Docker's approach to logging is that you construct your containers in such a way, so that logs are written to standard output (console/terminal). If you already have a container which writes logs to a file, you can redirect it by creating a symbolic link: ln -sf /dev/stdout /var/log/nginx/access.l...
inline int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
// header (.hpp) struct A { void i_am_inlined() { } }; struct B { void i_am_NOT_inlined(); }; // source (.cpp) void B::i_am_NOT_inlined() { }
inline int add(int x, int y) { return x + y; } int main() { int a = 1, b = 2; int c = add(a, b); } In the above code, when add is inlined, the resulting code would become something like this int main() { int a = 1, b = 2; int c = a + b; } The inline function ...
I need to query all the details from virtual machine and update into the MongoDB. Which require the output look like this. { "_id" : ObjectId("5800509f23888a12bccf2347"), "ResourceGrp" : "XYZZ-MachineGrp", "ProcessTime" : ISODate(&q...

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