Tutorial by Examples: access

Often you want to lock the entire object while you perform multiple operations on it. For example, if you need to examine or modify the object using iterators. Whenever you need to call multiple member functions it is generally more efficient to lock the whole object rather than individual member fu...
SharePoint 2013: Access User Profile Service Data using JSOM in SharePoint 2013 ​ In this article, we will learn to manage or access User Profile Service(UPS) Application using JSOM (Javascript Object Model) and create a basic App. Before we start, lets go through basic UPS terminology first. Us...
This example shows how you might handle users interacting with modals on a 1-1 basis. //client side function modals(socket) { this.sendModalOpen = (modalIdentifier) => { socket.emit('openedModal', { modal: modalIdentifier }); }; this.closeModa...
Most of the web applications use the session object to store some important information. This examples show how you can test such application using Flask-Testing. Full working example is also available on github. So first install Flask-Testing in your virtualenv pip install flask_testing To be ...
Solves problem of: access denied for user root using password YES Stop mySQL: sudo systemctl stop mysql Restart mySQL, skipping grant tables: sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables Login: mysql -u root In SQL shell, look if users exist: select User, password,plugin FROM mysql.user ; U...
An instantiated system can be accessed through the scene: document.querySelector('a-scene').systems[systemName]; Registered system prototypes can be accessed through AFRAME.systems.
A component’s members and methods can be accessed through the entity from the .components object. Look up the component from the entity’s map of components, and we’ll have access to the component’s internals. Consider this example component: AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', { init: function () { ...
To get the contents of a form that is submitted with method="post", use the post property: $name = $request->request->get('name');
$id = $request->cookies->get('PHPSESSID'); This will return the value of the 'PHPSESSID' cookie sent by the browser.
The typical scenario for your memory usage is to store the source data and the processed data in the global memory. When a threadblock starts, it first copies all relevant parts into the shared memory before getting their parts into the registers. Memory access latency also depends on your memory s...
We now need to access to our declared resources, in order to do that from XAML code we use {ThemeResource ResourceKey} or {StaticResource ResourceKey} to be continued later.
Accessing the 3rd element of the first subarray: my_array[1][2]
On the shoulders of the low level drivers, there is pomm. It proposes a modular approach, data converters, listen/notify support, database inspector and much more. Assuming, Pomm has been installed using composer, here is a complete example: <?php use PommProject\Foundation\Pomm; $loader = re...
Comparison of access controls of Java against Ruby: If method is declared private in Java, it can only be accessed by other methods within the same class. If a method is declared protected it can be accessed by other classes which exist within the same package as well as by subclasses of the class...
Numerous packages are created specifically to access some databases. Using them can save a bunch of time on reading/formating the data. Eurostat Even though eurostat package has a function search_eurostat(), it does not find all the relevant datasets available. This, it's more convenient to brow...
Human Mortality Database Human Mortality Database is a project of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research that gathers and pre-process human mortality data for those countries, where more or less reliable statistics is available. # load required packages library(tidyverse) library(ext...
/***************************** login user @required : username and password via post method only @return user data if login successfull otherwise error message ****************************/ public function login(){ $username=$this->input->post('username'); $password=$this->input-...
Let's assume you got an html after selecting with soup.find('div', class_='base class'): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(SomePage, 'lxml') html = soup.find('div', class_='base class') print(html) <div class="base class"> <div>Sample text 1</div...

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