Tutorial by Examples: adapter

Hello friends before start code we have need to declare dependency for access firebase ui component, so here is the dependency which you can put it in your gradel other wise you can add dependency as jar also. compile 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:0.4.0' Then after we are querying in fire...
Adapters are used to convert the interface of a given class, known as an Adaptee, into another interface, called the Target. Operations on the Target are called by a Client, and those operations are adapted by the Adapter and passed on to the Adaptee. In Swift, Adapters can often be formed through ...
“Adapter” as the name suggests is the object which lets two mutually incompatible interfaces communicate with each other. For example: if you buy a Iphone 8 (or any other Apple product) you need alot of adapters. Because the default interface does not support audio jac or USB. With these a...
I am assuming that you have aware about the some syntax of Kotlin and how to use, just add RecyclerView in activity_main.xml file and set with adapter class. class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(){ lateinit var mRecyclerView : RecyclerView val mAdapter : RecyclerAdapter = ...
<provider android:name=".DummyContentProvider" android:authorities="sample.map.com.ipsyncadapter" android:exported="false" /> <!-- This service implements our SyncAdapter. It needs to be exported, so that the system sync f...
To make the use of the adapter pattern and the kind of situation when it may be applied more imaginable, a small, simple and very concrete example is given here. There will be no code in here, just UML and a description of the example situation and its problem. Admittedly, the UML content is writte...

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