Tutorial by Examples: al

This is project directory. A service endpoint interface First we will create a service endpoint interface. The javax.jws.WebService @WebService annotation defines the class as a web service endpoint. import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBi...
A common need for random numbers it to generate a number that is X% of some max value. this can be done by treating the result of NextDouble() as a percentage: var rnd = new Random(); var maxValue = 5000; var percentage = rnd.NextDouble(); var result = maxValue * percentage; //suppose NextDoub...
apcu_store can be used to store, apcu_fetch to retrieve values: $key = 'Hello'; $value = 'World'; apcu_store($key, $value); print(apcu_fetch('Hello')); // 'World'
if (Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS.matcher(email).matches()){ Log.i("EmailCheck","It is valid"); }
Vertical join appends dataset B to dataset A providing both of them have similar variables. For example, we have sales for the month of Jan'17 in dataset A and sales for Feb'17 in dataset B. To create a dataset C that has sales of both Jan and Feb we use Vertical Join. PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE C AS ...
Many biological questions can be translated into a DNA sequencing problem. For instance, if you want to know the expression level of a gene you can: copy its mRNAs into complementary DNA molecules, sequence each of the resulting DNA molecules, map those sequences back to the reference genome, and th...
These are my VirtualBox settings: OS Type: Linux 2.6 (I've user 64bit because my computer can support it) Virtual hard drive size: 4Gb Ram Memory: 2048 Video Memory: 8M Sound device: Sound Blaster 16. Network device: PCnet-Fast III, attached to NAT. You can also use bridged adapter, but you...
<button id="googleFormButton" class="mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised"> Load Form </button> <dialog id="googleFormsDialog" class="mdl-dialog"> <!-- <h4 class="mdl-dialog__title">Google Form</h4> -...
Add a new function called showGoogleForm and adapt the follow code to suit. Note for simplicity this example does not contain any error checking which should be added in a production environment. The url should look something like this: https://docs.google.com/forms/.../?usp=pp_url&entry.17391...
static void Main(string[] args) { Book[] books = new Book[3]; Author author = new Author(89,"Aldous Huxley","Author",books); string objectDeserialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(author); //Converting author into json } The met...
You can receive a json from anywhere, a file or even a server so it is not included in the following code. static void Main(string[] args) { string jsonExample; // Has the previous json Author author = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Author>(jsonExample); } The method ".Dese...
Remove all conditional format in range: Range("A1:A10").FormatConditions.Delete Remove all conditional format in worksheet: Cells.FormatConditions.Delete
Highlighting Duplicate Values With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddUniqueValues .DupeUnique = xlDuplicate With .Font .Bold = True .ColorIndex = 3 End With End With Highlighting Unique Values With Range("E1:E100").FormatConditions.AddUniqueVa...
This example shows how you might handle users interacting with modals on a 1-1 basis. //client side function modals(socket) { this.sendModalOpen = (modalIdentifier) => { socket.emit('openedModal', { modal: modalIdentifier }); }; this.closeModa...
Normally when rails environment is run by typing. This just runs the default environment which is usually development rails s The specific environment can be selected by using the flag -e for example: rails s -e test Which will run the test environment. The default environment can be change...
Detailed instructions on getting loadrunner set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting genetic-algorithm set up or installed.
public class JSEngine { /* * Note Nashorn is only available for Java-8 onwards * You can use rhino from ScriptEngineManager.getEngineByName("js"); */ ScriptEngine engine; ScriptContext context; public Bindings scope; // Initialize t...
If you want to notify other clients/users throughout the application ,you not need to worry about the connection because signalr new connection is created every time you visit other pages in the web app. we can leverage the users feature of signalr to achieve the same. see the example below: Here...
This sample used to common function for all type object serialization and deserialization. using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace Framework { public static class IGUtilities { public static string Serialization(this T obj) ...

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