Tutorial by Examples: al

Approach in this case will be different than previous example because Excel file supports the Data validation for list of items with total character count less than 256 if all items are binded directly as in previous example. But in many situation list items can be longer than 256 characters and in ...
int DVRowLimit = (Int16.MaxValue); CellRangeAddressList cellRangeFieldsType1 = new CellRangeAddressList(1, DVRowLimit, targetFirstCol, targetLastCol); XSSFDataValidationConstraint dvConstraint = (XSSFDataValidationConstraint)validationHelper.CreateDateConstraint(OperatorType.BET...
dvConstraint = (XSSFDataValidationConstraint)validationHelper.CreateTimeConstraint(OperatorType.BETWEEN, "=TIME(0,0,0)", "=TIME(23,59,59)");
dvConstraint = (XSSFDataValidationConstraint)validationHelper.CreateExplicitListConstraint(new string[] { "MON", "TUE" , "WED", "THU", "FRI"});
To get a value use the .getPropertyValue() method element.style.getPropertyValue("--var") To set a value use the .setProperty() method. element.style.setProperty("--var", "NEW_VALUE")
import sys import json # load input arguments from the text file filename = sys.argv[ 1 ] with open( filename ) as data_file: input_args = json.loads( data_file.read() ) # cast strings to floats x, y = [ float(input_args.get( key )) for key in [ 'x', 'y' ] ] print json.dumps( { ...
using MongoDB.Bson; using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; namespace python_csharp { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // full path to .py file string pyScriptPath = "...../sum.py"; ...
Best way to include all library related to NPOI is NUGet Package Manager. Search for NPOI on NUGet package manager window. Once it is successfully installed all needed library will appear in reference section of your current project Then include the NPOI into your file like this using NPOI.SS...
compare using eq (==) RSpec.describe "a string" do it "is equal to another string of the same value" do expect("this string").to eq("this string") end it "is not equal to another string of a different value" do expect("this...
In this version change, Ionic has upgraded to Angular 4, a most recent version of TypeScript and some structural changes but starting an ionic project continues being similar to Ionic 2 so if you need more detailed information you could refer to that doc: Ionic 2 Stack Overflow doc: Getting started...
if you want to see component's individual coverage of tests follow these steps. npm install --save-dev karma-teamcity-reporter Add `require('karma-teamcity-reporter')` to list of plugins in karma.conf.js ng test --code-coverage --reporters=teamcity,coverage-istanbul note that l...
C99 While writing // delimited comments, it is possible to make a typographical error that affects their expected operation. If one types: int x = 20; // Why did I do this??/ The / at the end was a typo but now will get interpreted into \. This is because the ??/ forms a trigraph. The ??/ tri...
Detailed instructions on getting drop-down-menu set up or installed.
let in Kotlin creates a local binding from the object it was called upon. Example: val str = "foo" str.let { println(it) // it } This will print "foo" and will return Unit. The difference between let and also is that you can return any value from a let block. also ...
Refer the example here: https://github.com/NewtonJoshua/Azure-ADB2C-Angularjs-sample Azure AD B2C Azure AD B2C is a cloud identity management solution for your web and mobile applications. It is a highly available global service that scales to hundreds of millions of identities. Mobile app - ADAL...
The documentation of apply says the following: calls the specified function block with this value as its receiver and returns this value. While the kdoc is not so helpful apply is indeed an useful function. In layman's terms apply establishes a scope in which this is bound to the object you ca...
<body onload="__init();"> ... <script src="http://requirejs.org/docs/release/2.3.2/comments/require.js"></script> <script> function __init() { require(["view/index.js"]); } </script> </body>...
<provider android:name=".DummyContentProvider" android:authorities="sample.map.com.ipsyncadapter" android:exported="false" /> <!-- This service implements our SyncAdapter. It needs to be exported, so that the system sync f...
Step 1: Download and extract Drupal Drupal is available in two supported versions: the most recent and the previous. Currently that is Drupal 8 (released November 2015) and Drupal 7. The Recommended releases are the latest stable releases of either version. To learn more about versions, see the Dru...
Many repetitive jobs can be performed more efficiently if you utilize more of your computer's resources (i.e. CPU's and RAM). Below is an example of running multiple jobs in parallel. Suppose you have a < list of files >, say output from ls. Also, let these files are bz2 compressed and the fo...

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