Tutorial by Examples: all

Add a new Swift file to your Xcode project. Name it as you please and you should get an alert box asking if you would like to create a bridging header. Note: If you don’t receive a prompt to add a bridging header, you probably declined this message once before and you will have to add the header m...
For an executable file or command exec, running this will list all system calls: $ ptrace exec To display specific system calls use -e option: $ strace -e open exec To save the output to a file use the -o option: $ strace -o output exec To find the system calls an active program uses, us...
Detailed instructions on getting cognos set up or installed.
GridView is an ASP.NET server control and as such simply requires any version of .Net installed on your computer along with a .Net development environment, typically any version of Visual Studio. Assuming you have a .Net development environment, create any Web Forms Application or MVC Application p...
Detailed instructions on getting xml-parsing set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting raster set up or installed.
Most of the times, validation attributes are use inside frameworks (such as ASP.NET). Those frameworks take care of executing the validation attributes. But what if you want to execute validation attributes manually? Just use the Validator class (no reflection needed). Validation Context Any valid...
In the most straightforward implementation, the Onboarding flow can simply be presented in a modal context, since semantically the User is on a single journey. [Apple Human Interface Guidelines – Modality][1]: Consider creating a modal context only when it’s critical to get someone’s attention, ...
Detailed instructions on getting symfony-forms set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting metal set up or installed.
/***************************** login user @required : username and password via post method only @return user data if login successfull otherwise error message ****************************/ public function login(){ $username=$this->input->post('username'); $password=$this->input-...
ng-repeat is the built-in directive provided by AngularJS, mostly used for listing the array elements on UI dynamically as per the changes in our model. Official "ng-repeat" docs can be found at : https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngRepeat Also the most common error faced whil...
There are times when the framework's Random() class may not be considered random enough, given that it is based on a psuedo-random number generator. The framework's Crypto classes do, however, provide something more robust in the form of RNGCryptoServiceProvider. The following code samples demonstr...
It's very easy to install nedb. npm install nedb --save # Put latest version in your package.json For bower loving people, bower install nedb
Detailed instructions on getting spring-aop set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting ngrx set up or installed.
hosts: mysql tasks: name: Add mysql user user: name: mysql shell: /sbin/nologin name: install the latest version of libselinux-python yum: name: libselinux-python state: latest name: install perl yum: name: perl state: latest name: remove the mysql-libs package y...
Detailed instructions on getting boto3 set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting magento-1.9 set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting sdl-2 set up or installed.

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