Tutorial by Examples: alla

FlashDevelop is a multi-platform open source IDE created in 2005 for Flash developers. With no cost, it's a very popular way to get started developing with AS3. To Install FlashDevelop: Download The Installation File and run the installer Once installation is complete, run FlashDevelop. On the ...
from http://flex.apache.org/doc-getstarted.html Download the SDK installer Run the SDK installer. The first question you will be asked is the installation directory. on a Mac, use /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/sdks/4.14.0/ on a PC, use C:\Program Files(x86)\Adobe Flash Builder ...
AEM can be installed as a standalone executable JAR file or through web application servers, such as JBoss and WebSphere, as a WAR file. Prerequisites AEM 6.2 needs at minimum the following in order to run Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8x (64bit) 5GB of free disk space for installation 2GB...
Detailed instructions on getting braintree set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting domain-driven-design set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting nhibernate set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting stripe-payments set up or installed.
Single node Installation Pre-install NodeJS, Python and Java Select your installation document based on your platform http://docs.datastax.com/en/cassandra/3.x/cassandra/install/installTOC.html Download Cassandra binaries from http://cassandra.apache.org/download/ Untar the downloaded file to ...
pip install sqlalchemy For most common applications, particularly web applications, it is usually recommended that beginners consider using a supplementary library, such as flask-sqlalchemy. pip install flask-sqlalchemy
Detailed instructions on getting ssl set up or installed.
Salt can be installed via : salt-bootstrap: a shell script, that can install salt (client and/or master packages) on standard Unix/Linux platform, Platform Specific binaries: available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, Package Management systems: available for pacman, apt-get, yum and other pack...
Stored procedures can be created through a database management GUI (SQL Server example), or through a SQL statement as follows: -- Define a name and parameters CREATE PROCEDURE Northwind.getEmployee @LastName nvarchar(50), @FirstName nvarchar(50) AS -- Define the query to be...
Before to launch you to code with Pug, you need to have some prerequisits. You will need to install: NodeJS with NPM ExpressJS (optional) After installing NodeJS, you can check in your terminal the correct installation doing: $ node -v If successful, it will print the number of Node's ve...
Suggested Install Method Windows: Download and run the binary setup file. Linux(Debian): Run this command in your command line: $ apt-get install python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools qt4-designer OS X : Run this command in your command line: $ brew install pyqt Install Manually You can also downloa...
There are two main versions of IntelliJ IDEA: the Community edition and the Ultimate edition. The Community edition is free and is not lacking for features in terms of Java SE development. Windows & Linux Download IntelliJ IDEA from the JetBrains website, and follow installation procedures. If...
SQLite is a C library that is typically compiled directly into the application by downloading the source code of the latest version, and adding the sqlite3.c file to the project. Many script languages (e.g., Perl, Python, Ruby, etc.) and frameworks (e.g., Android) have support for SQLite; this is d...
SilverStripe can be installed via composer or through the extraction of downloaded zip file. To install through composer we run the following command composer create-project silverstripe/installer /path/to/project 3.4.0 A download zip file can be found on the download page of the SilverStripe w...
Detailed instructions on getting razor set up or installed.
pip may be used to install BeautifulSoup. To install Version 4 of BeautifulSoup, run the command: pip install beautifulsoup4 Be aware that the package name is beautifulsoup4 instead of beautifulsoup, the latter name stands for old release, see old beautifulsoup
Installing OPAM OPAM is a package manager for OCaml. It builds and manages compiler versions and OCaml libraries for you easily. The easiest way to install OPAM on your operating system is to use a package manager for your system. e.g apt-get, yum or homebrew. Mac OSX Installation Instructions U...

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