Tutorial by Examples: an

If You have Role: +-----------------------------+ | roleId | name | discription | +-----------------------------+ Rights: +-----------------------------+ | rightId | name | discription| +-----------------------------+ rightrole +------------------+ | roleId | rightId | +----------...
I am assuming that you have aware about the some syntax of Kotlin and how to use, just add RecyclerView in activity_main.xml file and set with adapter class. class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(){ lateinit var mRecyclerView : RecyclerView val mAdapter : RecyclerAdapter = ...
ExpandoObject (the System.Dynamic namespace) is a class that was added to the .Net Framework 4.0. This class allows us to dynamically add and remove properties onto an object at runtime. By using Expando object we can add our model classes into dynamically created Expando object. Following example e...
When you want the current date and time, you can do this with the Javascript function Date, but will return the following format which isn't always useful: Wed Jun 07 2017 13:26:15 GMT+0200 (Romance (zomertijd)). Copy the following code into app/helpers/helpers.js, and simply call getCurrentDateAnd...
First, you need to open your SQLite database, which can be done as follows: SQLiteDatabase myDataBase; String mPath = dbhelper.DATABASE_PATH + dbhelper.DATABASE_NAME; myDataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(mPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE); After opening the database, you can easi...
You must obviously select the project that you want to publish. You must click on the small arrow right next to the "Publish" button. You must click on the "Publish to Multiple Companies" option. On the smart panel that will appear you must select the companies that yo...
Open the customization project that you want to publish with this method. Open the publish menu at the top and select the "Publish with Cleanup" option. *Please take note that all customization project that are selected on the customization screen will be republish even if you are ...
Thanks to encoders and decoders, the JSR 356 offers a object oriented communication models. Messages definition Let's assume all received messages have to be transformed by the server before being sent back to all connected sessions: public abstract class AbstractMsg { public abstract void t...
// sample token string taken from the New example tokenString := "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJuYmYiOjE0NDQ0Nzg0MDB9.u1riaD1rW97opCoAuRCTy4w58Br-Zk-bh7vLiRIsrpU" // Parse takes the token string and a function for looking up the key. The latter is especially ...
// Create a new token object, specifying signing method and the claims // you would like it to contain. token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.MapClaims{ "foo": "bar", "nbf": time.Date(2015, 10, 10, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix(), }) // Si...
The StandardClaims type is designed to be embedded into your custom types to provide standard validation features. You can use it alone, but there's no way to retrieve other fields after parsing. See the custom claims example for intended usage. mySigningKey := []byte("AllYourBase") //...
For C# there exist many wrappers that offer an interface to communicate with OpenCL. OpenCL.NET: This is one of the most low level wrappers out there. It offers a complete implementation of the OpenCL API for C# without adding any abstraction at all. So C\C++ examples are easily ported for this ...
$data = $result->mysqli_fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);
The key of parallelism is to use multiple threads to solve a problem (duh.) but there are some differences to classical multithreaded programming in how threads are organized. First lets talk about your typical GPU, for simplicities sake I'll focus on A GPU has many processing cores, which make it...
To initiate any operation on your devices, you'll need a command queue for each device. The Queue keeps track of different calls you did to the target device and keeps them in order. Most commands can also be executed either in blocking or non-blocking mode. Creating a queue is pretty straightforwa...
There isn't much to add to Nokogiri's "Parsing an HTML/XML Document" tutorial, which is an easy introduction to the subject, so start there, then return to this page to help fill in some gaps. Nokogiri's basic parsing attempts to clean up a malformed document, sometimes adding missing clo...
How to correctly extract text from nodes is one of the most popular questions we see, and almost invariably is made more difficult by misusing Nokogiri's "searching" methods. Nokogiri supports using CSS and XPath selectors. These are equivalent: doc.at('p').text # => "foo"...
To read an array from the device back to the host, one calls clEnqueueReadBuffer($queue, $memobj, $blocking, $offset, $size, $target, 0, null, null); The $queue is the CommandQueue which was used to allocate the memory on the device. The $memobj contains the address to the device memory, $offset...
Writing an array consists of two steps: Allocating the memory Copying the data To allocate the memory, a simple call to _mem = clCreateBuffer($queue, $mem_flags, $size, $host_ptr, &err); is enough. If you decided to copy the host pointer via the mem_flags, you are done. Otherwise you ...
To make your APK file as small as possible, you should enable shrinking to remove unused code and resources in your release build. This page describes how to do that and how to specify what code and resources to keep or discard during the build. Code shrinking is available with ProGuard, which dete...

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