Tutorial by Examples: ble

Solves problem of: access denied for user root using password YES Stop mySQL: sudo systemctl stop mysql Restart mySQL, skipping grant tables: sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables Login: mysql -u root In SQL shell, look if users exist: select User, password,plugin FROM mysql.user ; U...
set var to 2 if var = 2 then say "Var equals 2" end if
Any @Component or @Configuration could be marked with @Profile annotation @Configuration @Profile("production") public class ProductionConfiguration { // ... } The same in XML config <beans profile="dev"> <bean id="dataSource" class="&l...
class ConversationsTableViewController: UITableViewController, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate { private var fetchedResultsController: NSFetchedResultsController<Conversation>! override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() initializeFetchedResultsController() } private...
It is possible to DELETE data from a table if it matches (or mismatches) certain data in other tables. Let's assume we want to DELETEdata from Source once its loaded into Target. DELETE FROM Source WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 -- specific value in SELECT doesn't matter FROM Target ...
Below we are going to create a table with 3 columns. The column Id must be filled is, so we define it NOT NULL. On the column Contract we also add a check so that the only value allowed is 'Y' or 'N'. If an insert in done and this column is not specified during the insert then default a 'N' is i...
The following permissions are required to use the Bluetooth APIs: android.permission.BLUETOOTH android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN If you're targeting devices with Android 6.0 (API Level 23) or higher and want to perform scanning/advertising operations you will require a Location permission: a...
You can use Bluetooth LE Advertising to broadcast data packages to all nearby devices without having to establish a connection first. Bear in mind that there's a strict limit of 31 bytes of advertisement data. Advertising your device is also the first step towards letting other users connect to you....
Global Variable: This variable is available everywhere in the xsl stylesheet. This variable should only be the child of <xsl:stylesheet> element. Local variable: This variable is only available where it is declared. See Below Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"...
As the header already says, the following list contains "interoperable signature types" which are more or less strictly defined. The PDF specification specifies a way to also include completely custom signing schemes. But let us assume we are in an interoperable situation. The the collecti...
We can load the model by pointing using the ID to an that specifies the src to a file: <a-scene> <a-assets> <!-- At first we load skeletal animation blending JSON as asset --> <a-asset-item id="hand" src="/path/to/hand.json"></a-asset-i...
Drupal itself provide good caching options to increase the page speed and serve pages fast to end users. Caches are used to improve the performance of your Drupal site. But it also has a drawback that sometimes it could lead the "stale" data. This means, sometimes, the system may start to ...
PHP exposes a number of so-called global variables which contain information about the HTTP request, such as $_POST, $_GET, $_FILES, $_SESSION, etc. The Request class contains a static createFromGlobals() method in order to instantiate a request object based on these variables: use Symfony\Componen...
To get the contents of a form that is submitted with method="post", use the post property: $name = $request->request->get('name');
use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request; use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response; require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $app = new \Slim\App; $app->get('/employee/view', function ($req, $res) { $con = new mysqli('localhost','USERNAME','PASSWORD','DATABASE'); ...
Using the command git tag lists out all available tags: $ git tag <output follows> v0.1 v1.3 Note: the tags are output in an alphabetical order. One may also search for available tags: $ git tag -l "v1.8.5*" <output follows> v1.8.5 v1.8.5-rc0 v1.8.5-rc1 v1.8.5...
In Kotlin, variable declarations look a bit different than Java's: val i : Int = 42 They start with either val or var, making the declaration final ("value") or variable. The type is noted after the name, separated by a : Thanks to Kotlin's type inference the explicit typ...
Create a UITableView cell category class. UITableViewCell+RRCell.h file #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface UITableViewCell (RRCell) -(id)initWithOwner:(id)owner; @end UITableViewCell+RRCell.m file #import "UITableViewCell+RRCell.h" @implementation UITableViewCell (R...
Example of a TCA field configuration where you can select records from a table 'my_topfeatures' => array( 'label' => 'Select Topfeatures', 'config' => array( 'type' => 'group', 'internal_type' => 'db', 'size' => '4', ...
db2 connect to {databaseName} db2 drop table {schema}.{table} db2 connect reset The schema is not necessary if it matches the current user name. The "db2" prefix is not necessary if you are already in a DB2 command prompt.

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