Tutorial by Examples: compact

By default the Large Object Heap is not compacted unlike the classic Object Heap which can lead to memory fragmentation and further, can lead to OutOfMemoryExceptions Starting with .NET 4.5.1 there is an option to explicitly compact the Large Object Heap (along with a garbage collection): GCSettin...
Preallocation. Mongo sets aside disk-space in empty containers, so when the time comes to write something to disk, it doesn't have to shuffle bits out of the way first. It does so by a doubling algorithm, always doubling the amount of disk space preallocated until it reaches 2GB; and then each preal...
C++17 namespace a { namespace b { template<class T> struct qualifies : std::false_type {}; } } namespace other { struct bob {}; } namespace a::b { template<> struct qualifies<::other::bob> : std::true_type {}; } You can enter both the a and b n...
If an array happens to have one or more nil elements and these need to be removed, the Array#compact or Array#compact! methods can be used, as below. array = [ 1, nil, 'hello', nil, '5', 33] array.compact # => [ 1, 'hello', '5', 33] #notice that the method returns a new copy of the array w...
The Compact Serialization is the most common serialization format and is designed to be used in a web context. JWS are represented into a string that contains Base64 Url Safe encoded information seperated by an dot ".". This mode does not support unprotected headers. Line breaks added f...
The Compact Serialization is the most common serialization format and is designed to be used in a web context. JWE are represented into a string that contains Base64 Url Safe encoded information seperated by an dot ".". This mode does not support unprotected headers or AAD. Line breaks ...
[Compact] public class Foo { public string prop; } It is mainly used for writing bindings with specific memory management.

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