Tutorial by Examples: conf

Enter command "tsc --init" and hit enter. Before that we need to compile ts file with command "tsc app.ts" now it is all defined in below config file automatically. Now, You can compile all typescripts by command "tsc". it will automatically create ".js&q...
config { simulateStaticDocuments = 0 index_enable = 1 index_externals = 1 linkVars = L sys_language_mode = content_fallback sys_language_overlay = hideNonTranslated doctype = xhtml_trans xhtml_cleaning = all doctype = html5 xmlprologue = none re...
import tensorflow as tf sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0})) Bear in mind that this method prevents the TensorFlow Graph from using the GPU but TensorFlow still lock the GPU device as described in this an issue opened on this method. Using the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES se...
Copy the content into a file and save the file as .iex.exs in your ~ home directory and see the magic. You can also download the file HERE # IEx.configure colors: [enabled: true] # IEx.configure colors: [ eval_result: [ :cyan, :bright ] ] IO.puts IO.ANSI.red_background() <> IO.ANSI.white() ...
If you do not see any logging, you can check if Configure() is called in your application. The easiest way is to add it as an attribute to your assembly: [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)] Then you do not have to add log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure() anywhere in y...
From this website, the OP has noticed a problem. Cause Consider the following code snippet. if 1==1 ( set /a result = 2*(3+4) ) At your first glance, you may think CMD.exe would process it like so: The condition is true, execute code block Set variable result's value to 14 Continu...
iPhone App import WatchConnectivity and conform to WCSessionDelegate. use the static session delegate via WCSession.default(). Send data to Watch app using: WCSession.default().sendMessage(message, replyHandler:_ errorHandler:_) The message object should be a dictionary of type [Stri...
WatchKit App import WatchConnectivity and conform to WCSessionDelegate. use the static session delegate via WCSession.default(). Send data to the iPhone app using: WCSession.default().sendMessage(message, replyHandler:_ errorHandler:_) The message object should be a dictionary of typ...
{ "module": "amd", // Using AMD module code generator which works with requireJS "rootDir": "./src", // Change this to your source folder "outDir": "./view", ... }

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